Source code for tigramite.plotting

"""Tigramite plotting package."""

# Author: Jakob Runge <>
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0

import numpy as np
import json, warnings, os, pathlib
import matplotlib
import networkx as nx
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import sys
from operator import sub
import tigramite.data_processing as pp
from copy import deepcopy
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
from mpl_toolkits.axisartist.axislines import Axes
import csv

# TODO: Add proper docstrings to internal functions...

def _par_corr_trafo(cmi):
    """Transformation of CMI to partial correlation scale."""

    # Set negative values to small positive number
    # (zero would be interpreted as non-significant in some functions)
    if np.ndim(cmi) == 0:
        if cmi < 0.0:
            cmi = 1e-8
        cmi[cmi < 0.0] = 1e-8

    return np.sqrt(1.0 - np.exp(-2.0 * cmi))

def _par_corr_to_cmi(par_corr):
    """Transformation of partial correlation to CMI scale."""

    return -0.5 * np.log(1.0 - par_corr ** 2)

def _myround(x, base=5, round_mode="updown"):
    """Rounds x to a float with precision base."""

    if round_mode == "updown":
        return base * round(float(x) / base)
    elif round_mode == "down":
        return base * np.floor(float(x) / base)
    elif round_mode == "up":
        return base * np.ceil(float(x) / base)

    return base * round(float(x) / base)

def _make_nice_axes(ax, where=None, skip=1, color=None):
    """Makes nice axes."""

    if where is None:
        where = ["left", "bottom"]
    if color is None:
        color = {"left": "black", "right": "black", "bottom": "black", "top": "black"}

    if type(skip) == int:
        skip_x = skip_y = skip
        skip_x = skip[0]
        skip_y = skip[1]

    for loc, spine in ax.spines.items():
        if loc in where:
            spine.set_position(("outward", 5))  # outward by 10 points
            if loc == "left" or loc == "right":
                pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklines(), color=color[loc])
                pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), color=color[loc])
            if loc == "top" or loc == "bottom":
                pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklines(), color=color[loc])
        elif loc in [
            item for item in ["left", "bottom", "right", "top"] if item not in where
            spine.set_color("none")  # don't draw spine
            raise ValueError("unknown spine location: %s" % loc)

    # ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False)

    # turn off ticks where there is no spine
    if "top" in where and "bottom" not in where:
        if skip_x > 1:
    elif "bottom" in where:
        if skip_x > 1:
    if "right" in where and "left" not in where:
        if skip_y > 1:
    elif "left" in where:
        if skip_y > 1:


def _get_absmax(val_matrix):
    """Get value at absolute maximum in lag function array.
    For an (N, N, tau)-array this comutes the lag of the absolute maximum
    along the tau-axis and stores the (positive or negative) value in
    the (N,N)-array absmax."""

    absmax_indices = np.abs(val_matrix).argmax(axis=2)
    i, j = np.indices(val_matrix.shape[:2])

    return val_matrix[i, j, absmax_indices]

def _add_timeseries(
    """Adds a time series plot to an axis.
    Plot of dataseries is added to axis. Allows for proper visualization of
    masked data.

    fig : figure instance
        Figure instance.
    axes : axis instance
        Either gridded axis object or single axis instance.
    grey_masked_samples : bool, optional (default: False)
        Whether to mark masked samples by grey fills ('fill') or grey data
    show_meanline : bool
        Show mean of data as horizontal line.
    data_linewidth : float, optional (default: 1.)
    color : str, optional (default: black)
        Line color.
    alpha : float
        Alpha opacity.
    grey_alpha : float, optional (default: 1.)
        Opacity of fill_between.
    selected_dataset : int, optional (default: 0)
        In case of multiple datasets in dataframe, plot this one.
    selected_variables : list, optional (default: None)
        List of variables which to plot.
    fig, axes = fig_axes

    # Read in all attributes from dataframe
    data = dataframe.values[selected_dataset]
    if dataframe.mask is not None:
        mask = dataframe.mask[selected_dataset]
        mask = None

    missing_flag = dataframe.missing_flag
    time = dataframe.datatime[selected_dataset]
    T = len(time)

    if selected_variables is None:
        selected_variables = list(range(dataframe.N))

    nb_components = sum([len(dataframe.vector_vars[var]) for var in selected_variables])

    for j in range(nb_components):

        ax = axes[j]
        dataseries = data[:, j]

        if missing_flag is not None:
            dataseries_nomissing =
                dataseries == missing_flag, dataseries
            dataseries_nomissing =
                np.zeros(dataseries.shape), dataseries

        if mask is not None:
            maskseries = mask[:, j]

            maskdata =, dataseries_nomissing)

            if grey_masked_samples == "fill":
            elif grey_masked_samples == "data":
            if show_meanline:
                ax.plot(time, maskdata.mean() * np.ones(T), lw=data_linewidth / 2., color=color)

            if show_meanline:
                ax.plot(time, dataseries_nomissing.mean() * np.ones(T), lw=data_linewidth / 2., color=color)


[docs]def plot_timeseries( dataframe=None, save_name=None, fig_axes=None, figsize=None, var_units=None, time_label="", grey_masked_samples=False, show_meanline=False, data_linewidth=1.0, skip_ticks_data_x=1, skip_ticks_data_y=1, label_fontsize=10, color='black', alpha=1., tick_label_size=6, selected_dataset=0, adjust_plot=True, selected_variables=None, ): """Create and save figure of stacked panels with time series. Parameters ---------- dataframe : data object, optional This is the Tigramite dataframe object. It has the attributes dataframe.values yielding a np array of shape (observations T, variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape. save_name : str, optional (default: None) Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window. fig_axes : subplots instance, optional (default: None) Figure and axes instance. If None they are created as fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(N,...) figsize : tuple of floats, optional (default: None) Figure size if new figure is created. If None, default pyplot figsize is used. var_units : list of str, optional (default: None) Units of variables. time_label : str, optional (default: '') Label of time axis. grey_masked_samples : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to mark masked samples by grey fills ('fill') or grey data ('data'). show_meanline : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to plot a horizontal line at the mean. data_linewidth : float, optional (default: 1.) Linewidth. skip_ticks_data_x : int, optional (default: 1) Skip every other tickmark. skip_ticks_data_y : int, optional (default: 2) Skip every other tickmark. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of variable labels. tick_label_size : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of tick labels. color : str, optional (default: black) Line color. alpha : float Alpha opacity. selected_dataset : int, optional (default: 0) In case of multiple datasets in dataframe, plot this one. selected_variables : list, optional (default: None) List of variables which to plot. """ var_names = dataframe.var_names time = dataframe.datatime[selected_dataset] N = dataframe.N if selected_variables is None: selected_variables = list(range(N)) nb_components_per_var = [len(dataframe.vector_vars[var]) for var in selected_variables] N_index = [sum(nb_components_per_var[:i]) for i, el in enumerate(nb_components_per_var)] nb_components = sum(nb_components_per_var) if var_units is None: var_units = ["" for i in range(N)] if fig_axes is None: fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nb_components, sharex=True, figsize=figsize) else: fig, axes = fig_axes if adjust_plot: for i in range(nb_components): ax = axes[i] if (i == nb_components - 1): _make_nice_axes( ax, where=["left", "bottom"], skip=(skip_ticks_data_x, skip_ticks_data_y) ) ax.set_xlabel(r"%s" % time_label, fontsize=label_fontsize) else: _make_nice_axes(ax, where=["left"], skip=(skip_ticks_data_x, skip_ticks_data_y)) # ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.0f")) ax.label_outer() ax.set_xlim(time[0], time[-1]) # trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(fig.transFigure, ax.transAxes) if i in N_index: if var_units[N_index.index(i)]: ax.set_ylabel(r"%s [%s]" % (var_names[N_index.index(i)], var_units[N_index.index(i)]), fontsize=label_fontsize) else: ax.set_ylabel(r"%s" % (var_names[N_index.index(i)]), fontsize=label_fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_label_size) # ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=tick_label_size) _add_timeseries( dataframe=dataframe, fig_axes=(fig, axes), grey_masked_samples=grey_masked_samples, show_meanline=show_meanline, data_linewidth=data_linewidth, color=color, selected_dataset=selected_dataset, alpha=alpha, selected_variables=selected_variables ) if adjust_plot: fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.9, left=0.15, right=0.95, hspace=0.3) pyplot.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: fig.savefig(save_name) return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_lagfuncs(val_matrix, name=None, setup_args={}, add_lagfunc_args={}): """Wrapper helper function to plot lag functions. Sets up the matrix object and plots the lagfunction, see parameters in setup_matrix and add_lagfuncs. Parameters ---------- val_matrix : array_like Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values. name : str, optional (default: None) File name. If None, figure is shown in window. setup_args : dict Arguments for setting up the lag function matrix, see doc of setup_matrix. add_lagfunc_args : dict Arguments for adding a lag function matrix, see doc of add_lagfuncs. Returns ------- matrix : object Further lag functions can be overlaid using the matrix.add_lagfuncs(val_matrix) function. """ N, N, tau_max_plusone = val_matrix.shape tau_max = tau_max_plusone - 1 matrix = setup_matrix(N=N, tau_max=tau_max, **setup_args) matrix.add_lagfuncs(val_matrix=val_matrix, **add_lagfunc_args) matrix.savefig(name=name) return matrix
[docs]class setup_matrix: """Create matrix of lag function panels. Class to setup figure object. The function add_lagfuncs(...) allows to plot the val_matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1). Multiple lagfunctions can be overlaid for comparison. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of variables tau_max : int Maximum time lag. var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. figsize : tuple of floats, optional (default: None) Figure size if new figure is created. If None, default pyplot figsize is used. minimum : int, optional (default: -1) Lower y-axis limit. maximum : int, optional (default: 1) Upper y-axis limit. label_space_left : float, optional (default: 0.1) Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate left of plot for labels. label_space_top : float, optional (default: 0.05) Fraction of vertical figure space to allocate top of plot for labels. legend_width : float, optional (default: 0.15) Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate right of plot for legend. tick_label_size : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of tick labels. x_base : float, optional (default: 1.) x-tick intervals to show. y_base : float, optional (default: .4) y-tick intervals to show. plot_gridlines : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to show a grid. lag_units : str, optional (default: '') lag_array : array, optional (default: None) Optional specification of lags overwriting np.arange(0, tau_max+1) label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of variable labels. """ def __init__( self, N, tau_max, var_names=None, figsize=None, minimum=-1, maximum=1, label_space_left=0.1, label_space_top=0.05, legend_width=0.15, legend_fontsize=10, x_base=1.0, y_base=0.5, tick_label_size=6, plot_gridlines=False, lag_units="", lag_array=None, label_fontsize=10, ): self.tau_max = tau_max self.labels = [] self.lag_units = lag_units # if lag_array is None: # self.lag_array = np.arange(0, self.tau_max + 1) # else: self.lag_array = lag_array if x_base is None: self.x_base = 1 else: self.x_base = x_base self.legend_width = legend_width self.legend_fontsize = legend_fontsize self.label_space_left = label_space_left self.label_space_top = label_space_top self.label_fontsize = label_fontsize self.fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) self.axes_dict = {} if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) plot_index = 1 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): self.axes_dict[(i, j)] = self.fig.add_subplot(N, N, plot_index) # Plot process labels if j == 0: trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.fig.transFigure, self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text( 0.01, 0.5, "%s" % str(var_names[i]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="center", transform=trans, ) if i == 0: trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes, self.fig.transFigure ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text( 0.5, 0.99, r"${\to}$ " + "%s" % str(var_names[j]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="top", transform=trans, ) # Make nice axis _make_nice_axes( self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=["left", "bottom"], skip=(1, 1) ) if x_base is not None: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].xaxis.set_major_locator( ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(0, self.tau_max + 1, x_base)) ) if x_base / 2.0 % 1 == 0: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].xaxis.set_minor_locator( ticker.FixedLocator( np.arange(0, self.tau_max + 1, x_base / 2.0) ) ) if y_base is not None: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].yaxis.set_major_locator( ticker.FixedLocator( np.arange( _myround(minimum, y_base, "down"), _myround(maximum, y_base, "up") + y_base, y_base, ) ) ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].yaxis.set_minor_locator( ticker.FixedLocator( np.arange( _myround(minimum, y_base, "down"), _myround(maximum, y_base, "up") + y_base, y_base / 2.0, ) ) ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].set_ylim( _myround(minimum, y_base, "down"), _myround(maximum, y_base, "up"), ) if j != 0: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].set_xlim(0, self.tau_max) if plot_gridlines: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].grid( True, which="major", color="black", linestyle="dotted", dashes=(1, 1), linewidth=0.05, zorder=-5, ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_label_size) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=tick_label_size) plot_index += 1
[docs] def add_lagfuncs( self, val_matrix, sig_thres=None, conf_matrix=None, color="black", label=None, two_sided_thres=True, marker=".", markersize=5, alpha=1.0, ): """Add lag function plot from val_matrix array. Parameters ---------- val_matrix : array_like Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values. sig_thres : array-like, optional (default: None) Matrix of significance thresholds. Must be of same shape as val_matrix. conf_matrix : array-like, optional (default: None) Matrix of shape (, N, tau_max+1, 2) containing confidence bounds. color : str, optional (default: 'black') Line color. label : str Test statistic label. two_sided_thres : bool, optional (default: True) Whether to draw sig_thres for pos. and neg. values. marker : matplotlib marker symbol, optional (default: '.') Marker. markersize : int, optional (default: 5) Marker size. alpha : float, optional (default: 1.) Opacity. """ if label is not None: self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha)) for ij in list(self.axes_dict): i = ij[0] j = ij[1] maskedres = np.copy(val_matrix[i, j, int(i == j) :]) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1), maskedres, linestyle="", color=color, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, alpha=alpha, clip_on=False, ) if conf_matrix is not None: maskedconfres = np.copy(conf_matrix[i, j, int(i == j) :]) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1), maskedconfres[:, 0], linestyle="", color=color, marker="_", markersize=markersize - 2, alpha=alpha, clip_on=False, ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1), maskedconfres[:, 1], linestyle="", color=color, marker="_", markersize=markersize - 2, alpha=alpha, clip_on=False, ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1), np.zeros(self.tau_max + 1 - int(i == j)), color="black", linestyle="dotted", linewidth=0.1, ) if sig_thres is not None: maskedsigres = sig_thres[i, j, int(i == j) :] self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1), maskedsigres, color=color, linestyle="solid", linewidth=0.1, alpha=alpha, ) if two_sided_thres: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1), -sig_thres[i, j, int(i == j) :], color=color, linestyle="solid", linewidth=0.1, alpha=alpha, )
# pyplot.tight_layout()
[docs] def savefig(self, name=None): """Save matrix figure. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional (default: None) File name. If None, figure is shown in window. """ # Trick to plot legend if len(self.labels) > 0: axlegend = self.fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) axlegend.spines["left"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["right"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["top"].set_color("none") axlegend.set_xticks([]) axlegend.set_yticks([]) # self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha)) for item in self.labels: label = item[0] color = item[1] marker = item[2] markersize = item[3] alpha = item[4] axlegend.plot( [], [], linestyle="", color=color, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, label=label, alpha=alpha, ) axlegend.legend( loc="upper left", ncol=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0), borderaxespad=0, fontsize=self.legend_fontsize, ).draw_frame(False) self.fig.subplots_adjust( left=self.label_space_left, right=1.0 - self.legend_width, top=1.0 - self.label_space_top, hspace=0.35, wspace=0.35, ) pyplot.figtext( 0.5, 0.01, r"lag $\tau$ [%s]" % self.lag_units, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=self.label_fontsize, ) else: self.fig.subplots_adjust( left=self.label_space_left, right=0.95, top=1.0 - self.label_space_top, hspace=0.35, wspace=0.35, ) pyplot.figtext( 0.55, 0.01, r"lag $\tau$ [%s]" % self.lag_units, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=self.label_fontsize, ) if self.lag_array is not None: assert self.lag_array.shape == np.arange(self.tau_max + 1).shape for ij in list(self.axes_dict): i = ij[0] j = ij[1] self.axes_dict[(i, j)].set_xticklabels(self.lag_array[:: self.x_base]) if name is not None: self.fig.savefig(name) else:
[docs]def plot_scatterplots(dataframe, name=None, setup_args={}, add_scatterplot_args={}, selected_dataset=0): """Wrapper helper function to plot scatter plots. Sets up the matrix object and plots the scatter plots, see parameters in setup_scatter_matrix and add_scatterplot. Parameters ---------- dataframe : data object Tigramite dataframe object. It must have the attributes dataframe.values yielding a numpy array of shape (observations T, variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape and a missing values flag. name : str, optional (default: None) File name. If None, figure is shown in window. setup_args : dict Arguments for setting up the scatter plot matrix, see doc of setup_scatter_matrix. add_scatterplot_args : dict Arguments for adding a scatter plot matrix. selected_dataset : int, optional (default: 0) In case of multiple datasets in dataframe, plot this one. Returns ------- matrix : object Further scatter plot can be overlaid using the matrix.add_scatterplot function. """ N = dataframe.N matrix = setup_scatter_matrix(N=N, var_names=dataframe.var_names, **setup_args) matrix.add_scatterplot(dataframe=dataframe, selected_dataset=selected_dataset, **add_scatterplot_args) matrix.adjustfig(name=name) return matrix
[docs]class setup_scatter_matrix: """Create matrix of scatter plot panels. Class to setup figure object. The function add_scatterplot allows to plot scatterplots of variables in the dataframe. Multiple scatter plots can be overlaid for comparison. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of variables var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. figsize : tuple of floats, optional (default: None) Figure size if new figure is created. If None, default pyplot figsize is used. label_space_left : float, optional (default: 0.1) Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate left of plot for labels. label_space_top : float, optional (default: 0.05) Fraction of vertical figure space to allocate top of plot for labels. legend_width : float, optional (default: 0.15) Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate right of plot for legend. tick_label_size : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of tick labels. plot_gridlines : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to show a grid. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of variable labels. """ def __init__( self, N, var_names=None, figsize=None, label_space_left=0.1, label_space_top=0.05, legend_width=0.15, legend_fontsize=10, plot_gridlines=False, tick_label_size=6, label_fontsize=10, ): self.labels = [] self.legend_width = legend_width self.legend_fontsize = legend_fontsize self.label_space_left = label_space_left self.label_space_top = label_space_top self.label_fontsize = label_fontsize self.fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) self.axes_dict = {} if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) plot_index = 1 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): self.axes_dict[(i, j)] = self.fig.add_subplot(N, N, plot_index, axes_class=Axes) # Plot process labels if j == 0: trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.fig.transFigure, self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text( 0.01, 0.5, "%s" % str(var_names[i]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="center", transform=trans, ) if i == 0: trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes, self.fig.transFigure ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text( 0.5, 0.99, r"${\to}$ " + "%s" % str(var_names[j]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="top", transform=trans, ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].axis["right"].set_visible(False) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].axis["top"].set_visible(False) if j != 0: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) if i != N - 1: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) if plot_gridlines: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].grid( True, which="major", color="black", linestyle="dotted", dashes=(1, 1), linewidth=0.05, zorder=-5, ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_label_size) plot_index += 1
[docs] def add_scatterplot( self, dataframe, matrix_lags=None, color="black", label=None, marker=".", markersize=5, alpha=.2, selected_dataset=0, ): """Add scatter plot. Parameters ---------- dataframe : data object Tigramite dataframe object. It must have the attributes dataframe.values yielding a numpy array of shape (observations T, variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape and a missing values flag. matrix_lags : array Lags to use in scatter plots. Either None or of shape (N, N). Then the entry matrix_lags[i, j] = tau will depict the scatter plot of time series (i, -tau) vs (j, 0). If None, tau = 0 for i != j and for i = j tau = 1. color : str, optional (default: 'black') Line color. label : str Test statistic label. marker : matplotlib marker symbol, optional (default: '.') Marker. markersize : int, optional (default: 5) Marker size. alpha : float, optional (default: 1.) Opacity. selected_dataset : int, optional (default: 0) In case of multiple datasets in dataframe, plot this one. """ if matrix_lags is not None and np.any(matrix_lags < 0): raise ValueError("matrix_lags must be non-negative!") data = dataframe.values[selected_dataset] if dataframe.mask is not None: mask = dataframe.mask[selected_dataset] T, dim = data.shape if label is not None: self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha)) for ij in list(self.axes_dict): i = ij[0] j = ij[1] if matrix_lags is None: if i == j: lag = 1 else: lag = 0 else: lag = matrix_lags[i,j] x = np.copy(data[:T-lag, i]) y = np.copy(data[lag:, j]) if dataframe.mask is not None: x[mask[:T-lag, i]==1] = np.nan y[mask[lag:, j]==1] = np.nan # print(i, j, lag, x.shape, y.shape) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].scatter( x, y, color=color, marker=marker, s=markersize, alpha=alpha, clip_on=False, label=r"$\tau{=}%d$" %lag, )
# self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text(0., 1., r"$\tau{=}%d$" %lag, # fontsize=self.legend_fontsize, # ha='left', va='top', # transform=self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes)
[docs] def adjustfig(self, name=None): """Adjust matrix figure. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional (default: None) File name. If None, figure is shown in window. """ # Trick to plot legends colors = [] for item in self.labels: colors.append(item[1]) for ij in list(self.axes_dict): i = ij[0] j = ij[1] leg = self.axes_dict[(i, j)].legend( # loc="upper left", ncol=1, # bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0), # borderaxespad=0, fontsize=self.legend_fontsize-2, labelcolor=colors, ).draw_frame(False) if len(self.labels) > 0: axlegend = self.fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) axlegend.spines["left"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["right"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["top"].set_color("none") axlegend.set_xticks([]) axlegend.set_yticks([]) # self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha)) for item in self.labels: label = item[0] color = item[1] marker = item[2] markersize = item[3] alpha = item[4] axlegend.plot( [], [], linestyle="", color=color, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, label=label, alpha=alpha, ) axlegend.legend( loc="upper left", ncol=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0), borderaxespad=0, fontsize=self.legend_fontsize, ).draw_frame(False) self.fig.subplots_adjust( bottom=0.05, left=self.label_space_left, right=1.0 - self.legend_width, top=1.0 - self.label_space_top, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.35, ) else: self.fig.subplots_adjust( left=self.label_space_left, bottom=0.05, right=0.95, top=1.0 - self.label_space_top, hspace=0.35, wspace=0.35, ) if name is not None: self.fig.savefig(name) else:
[docs]def plot_densityplots(dataframe, name=None, setup_args={}, add_densityplot_args={}, selected_dataset=0, show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal=True): """Wrapper helper function to plot density plots. Sets up the matrix object and plots the density plots, see parameters in setup_density_matrix and add_densityplot. The diagonal shows the marginal densities. Requires seaborn. Parameters ---------- dataframe : data object Tigramite dataframe object. It must have the attributes dataframe.values yielding a numpy array of shape (observations T, variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape and a missing values flag. name : str, optional (default: None) File name. If None, figure is shown in window. setup_args : dict Arguments for setting up the density plot matrix, see doc of setup_density_matrix. add_densityplot_args : dict Arguments for adding a density plot matrix. selected_dataset : int, optional (default: 0) In case of multiple datasets in dataframe, plot this one. show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal : bool, optional (default: True) Flag to show marginal densities on the diagonal of the density plots Returns ------- matrix : object Further density plots can be overlaid using the matrix.add_densityplot function. """ N = dataframe.N matrix = setup_density_matrix(N=N, var_names=dataframe.var_names, **setup_args) matrix.add_densityplot(dataframe=dataframe, selected_dataset=selected_dataset, show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal=show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal, **add_densityplot_args) matrix.adjustfig(name=name) return matrix
[docs]class setup_density_matrix: """Create matrix of density plot panels. Class to setup figure object. The function add_densityplot allows to plot density plots of variables in the dataframe. Further density plots can be overlaid using the matrix.add_densityplot function. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of variables var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. figsize : tuple of floats, optional (default: None) Figure size if new figure is created. If None, default pyplot figsize is used. label_space_left : float, optional (default: 0.1) Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate left of plot for labels. label_space_top : float, optional (default: 0.05) Fraction of vertical figure space to allocate top of plot for labels. legend_width : float, optional (default: 0.15) Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate right of plot for legend. tick_label_size : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of tick labels. plot_gridlines : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to show a grid. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of variable labels. """ def __init__( self, N, var_names=None, figsize=None, label_space_left=0.15, label_space_top=0.05, legend_width=0.15, legend_fontsize=10, tick_label_size=6, plot_gridlines=False, label_fontsize=10, ): self.labels = [] self.legend_width = legend_width self.legend_fontsize = legend_fontsize self.label_space_left = label_space_left self.label_space_top = label_space_top self.label_fontsize = label_fontsize self.fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) self.axes_dict = {} if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) plot_index = 1 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): self.axes_dict[(i, j)] = self.fig.add_subplot(N, N, plot_index) # Plot process labels if j == 0: trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.fig.transFigure, self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text( 0.01, 0.5, "%s" % str(var_names[i]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="center", transform=trans, ) if i == 0: trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory( self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes, self.fig.transFigure ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text( 0.5, 0.99, r"${\to}$ " + "%s" % str(var_names[j]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="top", transform=trans, ) # _make_nice_axes(self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=["bottom"], skip=(1, 1) ) # self.axes_dict[(i, j)].axis["right"].set_visible(False) # self.axes_dict[(i, j)].axis["top"].set_visible(False) if i == j: # self.axes_dict[(i, j)].axis["left"].set_visible(False) _make_nice_axes(self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=["bottom"], skip=(1, 1)) else: _make_nice_axes(self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=["left", "bottom"], skip=(1, 1)) # if j != 0: # self.axes_dict[(i, j)].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) # if i != N - 1: # self.axes_dict[(i, j)].get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) if plot_gridlines: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].grid( True, which="major", color="black", linestyle="dotted", dashes=(1, 1), linewidth=0.05, zorder=-5, ) self.axes_dict[(i, j)].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_label_size) plot_index += 1
[docs] def add_densityplot( self, dataframe, matrix_lags=None, label=None, label_color='black', snskdeplot_args = {'cmap':'Greys'}, snskdeplot_diagonal_args = {}, selected_dataset=0, show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal=True ): """Add density function plot. Parameters ---------- dataframe : data object Tigramite dataframe object. It must have the attributes dataframe.values yielding a numpy array of shape (observations T, variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape and a missing values flag. matrix_lags : array Lags to use in scatter plots. Either None or non-neg array of shape (N, N). Then the entry matrix_lags[i, j] = tau will depict the scatter plot of time series (i, -tau) vs (j, 0). If None, tau = 0 for i != j and for i = j tau = 1. snskdeplot_args : dict Optional parameters to pass to sns.kdeplot() for i != j for off-diagonal plots. snskdeplot_diagonal_args : dict Optional parameters to pass to sns.kdeplot() for i == j on diagonal. label : string Label of this plot. label_color : string Color of line created just for legend. selected_dataset : int, optional (default: 0) In case of multiple datasets in dataframe, plot this one. show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal : bool, optional (default: True) Flag to show marginal densities on the diagonal of the density plots """ # Use seaborn for this one import seaborn as sns # set seaborn style sns.set_style("white") self.matrix_lags = matrix_lags if matrix_lags is not None and np.any(matrix_lags < 0): raise ValueError("matrix_lags must be non-negative!") data = dataframe.values[selected_dataset] if dataframe.mask is not None: mask = dataframe.mask[selected_dataset] T, dim = data.shape # if label is not None: self.labels.append((label, label_color)) for ij in list(self.axes_dict): i = ij[0] j = ij[1] ax = self.axes_dict[(i, j)] if (matrix_lags is None): if i == j: lag = 1 else: lag = 0 else: lag = matrix_lags[i,j] x = np.copy(data[:T-lag, i]) y = np.copy(data[lag:, j]) # Data is set to NaN in dataframe init already # if dataframe.missing_flag is not None: # x[x==dataframe.missing_flag] = np.nan # y[y==dataframe.missing_flag] = np.nan if dataframe.mask is not None: x[mask[:T-lag, i]==1] = np.nan y[mask[lag:, j]==1] = np.nan if i == j and show_marginal_densities_on_diagonal: sns.kdeplot(x, color = label_color, # label=r"$\tau{=}%d$" %lag, **snskdeplot_diagonal_args, ax = ax) ax.set_ylabel("") # ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") # ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) else: sns.kdeplot(x=x, y=y, #label=r"$\tau{=}%d$" %lag, **snskdeplot_args, # fill=True, # alpha=0.3, ax = ax)
[docs] def adjustfig(self, name=None, show_labels=True): """Adjust matrix figure. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional (default: None) File name. If None, figure is shown in window. """ # Trick to plot legends # colors = [] # for item in self.labels: # colors.append(item[1]) for ij in list(self.axes_dict): i = ij[0] j = ij[1] if self.matrix_lags is None: lag = 0 else: lag = self.matrix_lags[i,j] if i != j: colors = [] for item in self.labels: color = item[1] colors.append(color) if show_labels: self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot( [], [], linestyle="", color=color, label=r"$\tau{=}%d$" %lag, ) # print('here') leg = self.axes_dict[(i, j)].legend( # loc="best", ncol=1, # bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0), # borderaxespad=0, fontsize=self.legend_fontsize-2, labelcolor=colors, ).draw_frame(False) # if i == j: # # self.axes_dict[(i, j)].axis["left"].set_visible(False) # _make_nice_axes(ax=self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=["bottom"], skip=(1, 1)) # else: # _make_nice_axes(ax=self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=["left", "bottom"], skip=(1, 1)) if show_labels and len(self.labels) > 1: axlegend = self.fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) axlegend.spines["left"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["right"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") axlegend.spines["top"].set_color("none") axlegend.set_xticks([]) axlegend.set_yticks([]) # self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha)) for item in self.labels: label = item[0] color = item[1] axlegend.plot( [], [], linestyle="-", color=color, label=label, ) axlegend.legend( loc="upper left", ncol=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0), borderaxespad=0, fontsize=self.legend_fontsize, ).draw_frame(False) self.fig.subplots_adjust( bottom=0.08, left=self.label_space_left, right=1.0 - self.legend_width, top=1.0 - self.label_space_top, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.35, ) else: self.fig.subplots_adjust( left=self.label_space_left, bottom=0.08, right=0.95, top=1.0 - self.label_space_top, hspace=0.35, wspace=0.35, ) if name is not None: self.fig.savefig(name) else:
def _draw_network_with_curved_edges( fig, ax, G, pos, node_rings, node_labels, node_label_size=10, node_alpha=1.0, standard_size=100, node_aspect=None, standard_cmap="OrRd", standard_color_links='black', standard_color_nodes='lightgrey', log_sizes=False, cmap_links="YlOrRd", # cmap_links_edges="YlOrRd", links_vmin=0.0, links_vmax=1.0, links_edges_vmin=0.0, links_edges_vmax=1.0, links_ticks=0.2, links_edges_ticks=0.2, link_label_fontsize=8, arrowstyle="->, head_width=0.4, head_length=1", arrowhead_size=3.0, curved_radius=0.2, label_fontsize=4, label_fraction=0.5, link_colorbar_label="link", tick_label_size=6, # link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge', inner_edge_curved=False, inner_edge_style="solid", # network_lower_bound=0.2, network_left_bound=None, show_colorbar=True, special_nodes=None, autodep_sig_lags=None, show_autodependency_lags=False, transform='data', node_classification=None, max_lag=0, ): """Function to draw a network from networkx graph instance. Various attributes are used to specify the graph's properties. This function is just a beta-template for now that can be further customized. """ if transform == 'data': transform = ax.transData from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch, Circle, Ellipse ax.spines["left"].set_color("none") ax.spines["right"].set_color("none") ax.spines["bottom"].set_color("none") ax.spines["top"].set_color("none") ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) N = len(G) # This fixes a positioning bug in matplotlib. ax.scatter(0, 0, zorder=-10, alpha=0) def draw_edge( ax, u, v, d, seen, arrowstyle= "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1", outer_edge=True, ): # avoiding attribute error raised by changes in networkx if hasattr(G, "node"): # works with networkx 1.10 n1 = G.node[u]["patch"] n2 = G.node[v]["patch"] else: # works with networkx 2.4 n1 = G.nodes[u]["patch"] n2 = G.nodes[v]["patch"] # print("+++++++++++++++++++++++==cmap_links ", cmap_links) if outer_edge: rad = -1.0 * curved_radius if cmap_links is not None: facecolor = data_to_rgb_links.to_rgba(d["outer_edge_color"]) else: if d["outer_edge_color"] is not None: facecolor = d["outer_edge_color"] else: facecolor = standard_color_links width = d["outer_edge_width"] alpha = d["outer_edge_alpha"] if (u, v) in seen: rad = seen.get((u, v)) rad = (rad + np.sign(rad) * 0.1) * -1.0 arrowstyle = arrowstyle # link_edge = d['outer_edge_edge'] linestyle = 'solid' # d.get("outer_edge_style") if d.get("outer_edge_attribute", None) == "spurious": facecolor = "grey" if d.get("outer_edge_type") in ["<-o", "<--", "<-x", "<-+"]: n1, n2 = n2, n1 if d.get("outer_edge_type") in [ "o-o", "o--", "--o", "---", "x-x", "x--", "--x", "o-x", "x-o", # "+->", # "<-+", ]: arrowstyle = "-" # linewidth = width*factor elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "<->": # arrowstyle = "<->, head_width=0.4, head_length=1" arrowstyle = "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1" #%float(width/20.) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") in ["o->", "-->", "<-o", "<--", "<-x", "x->", "+->", "<-+"]: # arrowstyle = "->, head_width=0.4, head_length=1" # arrowstyle = "->, head_width=0.4, head_length=1, width=10" arrowstyle = "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1" #%float(width/20.) else: arrowstyle = "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1" #%float(width/20.) # raise ValueError("edge type %s not valid." %d.get("outer_edge_type")) else: rad = -1.0 * inner_edge_curved * curved_radius if cmap_links is not None: facecolor = data_to_rgb_links.to_rgba(d["inner_edge_color"]) else: if d["inner_edge_color"] is not None: facecolor = d["inner_edge_color"] else: # print("HERE") facecolor = standard_color_links width = d["inner_edge_width"] alpha = d["inner_edge_alpha"] if d.get("inner_edge_attribute", None) == "spurious": facecolor = "grey" # print(d.get("inner_edge_type")) if d.get("inner_edge_type") in ["<-o", "<--", "<-x", "<-+"]: n1, n2 = n2, n1 if d.get("inner_edge_type") in [ "o-o", "o--", "--o", "---", "x-x", "x--", "--x", "o-x", "x-o", ]: arrowstyle = "-" elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "<->": # arrowstyle = "<->, head_width=0.4, head_length=1" arrowstyle = "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1" #%float(width/20.) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") in ["o->", "-->", "<-o", "<--", "<-x", "x->", "+->", "<-+"]: # arrowstyle = "->, head_width=0.4, head_length=1" arrowstyle = "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1" #%float(width/20.) else: arrowstyle = "Simple, head_width=2, head_length=2, tail_width=1" #%float(width/20.) # raise ValueError("edge type %s not valid." %d.get("inner_edge_type")) linestyle = 'solid' #d.get("inner_edge_style") coor1 = coor2 = marker_size = width ** 2 figuresize = fig.get_size_inches() # print("COLOR ", facecolor) # print(u, v, outer_edge, "outer ", d.get("outer_edge_type"), "inner ", d.get("inner_edge_type"), width, arrowstyle, linestyle) if ((outer_edge is True and d.get("outer_edge_type") == "<->") or (outer_edge is False and d.get("inner_edge_type") == "<->")): e_p = FancyArrowPatch( coor1, coor2, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={rad}", mutation_scale=1*width, lw=0., #width / 2., aa=True, alpha=alpha, linestyle=linestyle, color=facecolor, clip_on=False, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, shrinkA=7, shrinkB=0, zorder=-1, capstyle="butt", transform=transform, ) ax.add_artist(e_p) e_p_back = FancyArrowPatch( coor2, coor1, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={-rad}", mutation_scale=1*width, lw=0., #width / 2., aa=True, alpha=alpha, linestyle=linestyle, color=facecolor, clip_on=False, patchA=n2, patchB=n1, shrinkA=7, shrinkB=0, zorder=-1, capstyle="butt", transform=transform, ) ax.add_artist(e_p_back) else: if arrowstyle == '-': lw = 1*width else: lw = 0. # e_p = FancyArrowPatch( # coor1, # coor2, # arrowstyle=arrowstyle, # connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={rad}", # mutation_scale=np.sqrt(width)*2*1.1, # lw=lw*1.1, #width / 2., # aa=True, # alpha=alpha, # linestyle=linestyle, # color='white', # clip_on=False, # patchA=n1, # patchB=n2, # shrinkA=0, # shrinkB=0, # zorder=-1, # capstyle="butt", # ) # ax.add_artist(e_p) e_p = FancyArrowPatch( coor1, coor2, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={rad}", mutation_scale=1*width, lw=lw, #width / 2., aa=True, alpha=alpha, linestyle=linestyle, color=facecolor, clip_on=False, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0, # zorder=-1, capstyle="butt", transform=transform, ) ax.add_artist(e_p) e_p_marker = FancyArrowPatch( coor1, coor2, arrowstyle='-', connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={rad}", mutation_scale=1*width, lw=0., #width / 2., aa=True, alpha=0., linestyle=linestyle, color=facecolor, clip_on=False, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0, zorder=-10, capstyle="butt", transform=transform, ) ax.add_artist(e_p_marker) # marker_path = e_p_marker.get_path() vertices = e_p_marker.get_path().vertices.copy() # vertices = e_p_marker.get_verts() # vertices = e_p_marker.get_path().to_polygons(transform=None)[0] # print(vertices.shape) m, n = vertices.shape # print(vertices) start = vertices[0] end = vertices[-1] # This must be added to avoid rescaling of the plot, when no 'o' # or 'x' is added to the graph. ax.scatter(*start, zorder=-10, alpha=0, transform=transform,) if outer_edge: if d.get("outer_edge_type") in ["o->", "o--"]: circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "<-o": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "--o": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") in ["x--", "x->"]: circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") in ["+--", "+->"]: circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="P", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "<-x": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "<-+": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *start, marker="P", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "--x": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "o-o": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "x-x": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "o-x": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("outer_edge_type") == "x-o": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) else: if d.get("inner_edge_type") in ["o->", "o--"]: circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "<-o": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "--o": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") in ["x--", "x->"]: circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") in ["+--", "+->"]: circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="P", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "<-x": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "<-+": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *start, marker="P", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "--x": circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "o-o": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "x-x": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "o-x": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) elif d.get("inner_edge_type") == "x-o": circle_marker_start = ax.scatter( *start, marker="X", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_start) circle_marker_end = ax.scatter( *end, marker="o", s=marker_size, facecolor="w", edgecolor=facecolor, zorder=1, transform=transform, ) ax.add_collection(circle_marker_end) if d["label"] is not None and outer_edge: def closest_node(node, nodes): nodes = np.asarray(nodes) node = node.reshape(1, 2) dist_2 = np.sum((nodes - node)**2, axis=1) return np.argmin(dist_2) # Attach labels of lags # trans = None # patch.get_transform() # path = e_p.get_path() vertices = e_p_marker.get_path().vertices.copy() verts = e_p.get_path().to_polygons(transform=None)[0] # print(verts) # print(verts.shape) # print(vertices.shape) # for num, vert in enumerate(verts): # ax.text(vert[0], vert[1], str(num), # transform=transform,) # ax.scatter(verts[:,0], verts[:,1]) # mid_point = np.array([(start[0] + end[0])/2., (start[1] + end[1])/2.]) # print(start, end, mid_point) # ax.scatter(mid_point[0], mid_point[1], marker='x', # s=100, zorder=10, transform=transform,) closest_node = closest_node(vertices[int(len(vertices)/2.),:], verts) # print(closest_node, verts[closest_node]) # ax.scatter(verts[closest_node][0], verts[closest_node][1], marker='x') if len(vertices) > 2: # label_vert = vertices[int(len(vertices)/2.),:] #verts[1, :] label_vert = verts[closest_node] #verts[1, :] l = d["label"] string = str(l) txt = ax.text( label_vert[0], label_vert[1], string, fontsize=link_label_fontsize, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", color="w", zorder=1, transform=transform, ) txt.set_path_effects( [PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground="k")] ) return rad # Collect all edge weights to get color scale all_links_weights = [] all_links_edge_weights = [] for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True): if u != v: if d["outer_edge"] and d["outer_edge_color"] is not None: all_links_weights.append(d["outer_edge_color"]) if d["inner_edge"] and d["inner_edge_color"] is not None: all_links_weights.append(d["inner_edge_color"]) if cmap_links is not None and len(all_links_weights) > 0: if links_vmin is None: links_vmin = np.array(all_links_weights).min() if links_vmax is None: links_vmax = np.array(all_links_weights).max() data_to_rgb_links = norm=None, cmap=pyplot.get_cmap(cmap_links) ) data_to_rgb_links.set_array(np.array(all_links_weights)) data_to_rgb_links.set_clim(vmin=links_vmin, vmax=links_vmax) # Create colorbars for links # setup colorbar axes. if show_colorbar: # cax_e = pyplot.axes( # [ # 0.55, # ax.get_subplotspec().get_position(ax.figure).bounds[1] + 0.02, # 0.4, # 0.025 + (len(all_links_edge_weights) == 0) * 0.035, # ], # frameon=False, # ) bbox_ax = ax.get_position() width = bbox_ax.xmax-bbox_ax.xmin height = bbox_ax.ymax-bbox_ax.ymin # print(bbox_ax.xmin, bbox_ax.xmax, bbox_ax.ymin, bbox_ax.ymax) # cax_e = fig.add_axes( # [ # bbox_ax.xmax - width*0.45, # bbox_ax.ymin-0.075*height+network_lower_bound-0.15, # width*0.4, # 0.075*height, #0.025 + (len(all_links_edge_weights) == 0) * 0.035, # ], # frameon=False, # ) cax_e = ax.inset_axes( [ 0.55, -0.07, 0.4, 0.07 # bbox_ax.xmax - width*0.45, # bbox_ax.ymin-0.075*height+network_lower_bound-0.15, # width*0.4, # 0.075*height, #0.025 + (len(all_links_edge_weights) == 0) * 0.035, ], frameon=False,) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax_e = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='5%', pad=0.05, frameon=False,) cb_e = pyplot.colorbar( data_to_rgb_links, cax=cax_e, orientation="horizontal" ) # try: ticks_here = np.arange( _myround(links_vmin, links_ticks, "down"), _myround(links_vmax, links_ticks, "up") + links_ticks, links_ticks, ) cb_e.set_ticks(ticks_here[(links_vmin <= ticks_here) & (ticks_here <= links_vmax)]) # except: # print('no ticks given') cb_e.outline.clear() cax_e.set_xlabel( link_colorbar_label, labelpad=1, fontsize=label_fontsize, zorder=10 ) cax_e.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_label_size) ## # Draw nodes ## node_sizes = np.zeros((len(node_rings), N)) for ring in list(node_rings): # iterate through to get all node sizes if node_rings[ring]["sizes"] is not None: node_sizes[ring] = node_rings[ring]["sizes"] else: node_sizes[ring] = standard_size max_sizes = node_sizes.max(axis=1) total_max_size = node_sizes.sum(axis=0).max() node_sizes /= total_max_size node_sizes *= standard_size def get_aspect(ax): # Total figure size figW, figH = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches() # print(figW, figH) # Axis size on figure _, _, w, h = ax.get_position().bounds # Ratio of display units # print(w, h) disp_ratio = (figH * h) / (figW * w) # Ratio of data units # Negative over negative because of the order of subtraction data_ratio = sub(*ax.get_ylim()) / sub(*ax.get_xlim()) # print(data_ratio, disp_ratio) return disp_ratio / data_ratio if node_aspect is None: node_aspect = get_aspect(ax) # start drawing the outer ring first... for ring in list(node_rings)[::-1]: # print ring # dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array # or None, 'cmap':string, 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None}} if node_rings[ring]["color_array"] is not None: color_data = node_rings[ring]["color_array"] if node_rings[ring]["vmin"] is not None: vmin = node_rings[ring]["vmin"] else: vmin = node_rings[ring]["color_array"].min() if node_rings[ring]["vmax"] is not None: vmax = node_rings[ring]["vmax"] else: vmax = node_rings[ring]["color_array"].max() if node_rings[ring]["cmap"] is not None: cmap = node_rings[ring]["cmap"] else: cmap = standard_cmap data_to_rgb = norm=None, cmap=pyplot.get_cmap(cmap) ) data_to_rgb.set_array(color_data) data_to_rgb.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) colors = [data_to_rgb.to_rgba(color_data[n]) for n in G] if node_rings[ring]["colorbar"]: # Create colorbars for nodes # cax_n = pyplot.axes([.8 + ring*0.11, # ax.get_subplotspec().get_position(ax.figure).bounds[1]+0.05, 0.025, 0.35], frameon=False) # # setup colorbar axes. # setup colorbar axes. bbox_ax = ax.get_position() # print(bbox_ax.xmin, bbox_ax.xmax, bbox_ax.ymin, bbox_ax.ymax) cax_n = ax.inset_axes( [ 0.05, -0.07, 0.4, 0.07 # bbox_ax.xmin + width*0.05, # bbox_ax.ymin-0.075*height+network_lower_bound-0.15, # width*0.4, # 0.075*height, #0.025 + (len(all_links_edge_weights) == 0) * 0.035, ], frameon=False, ) cb_n = pyplot.colorbar(data_to_rgb, cax=cax_n, orientation="horizontal") # try: ticks_here = np.arange( _myround(vmin, node_rings[ring]["ticks"], "down"), _myround(vmax, node_rings[ring]["ticks"], "up") + node_rings[ring]["ticks"], node_rings[ring]["ticks"], ) cb_n.set_ticks(ticks_here[(vmin <= ticks_here) & (ticks_here <= vmax)]) # except: # print ('no ticks given') cb_n.outline.clear() # cb_n.set_ticks() cax_n.set_xlabel( node_rings[ring]["label"], labelpad=1, fontsize=label_fontsize ) cax_n.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=tick_label_size) else: colors = None vmin = None vmax = None for n in G: if type(node_alpha) == dict: alpha = node_alpha[n] else: alpha = 1.0 if special_nodes is not None: if n in special_nodes: color_here = special_nodes[n] else: color_here = 'grey' else: if colors is None: color_here = standard_color_nodes else: color_here = colors[n] c = Ellipse( pos[n], width=node_sizes[: ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n] * node_aspect, height=node_sizes[: ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n], clip_on=False, facecolor=color_here, edgecolor=color_here, zorder=-ring - 1 + 2, transform=transform, ) # else: # if special_nodes is not None and n in special_nodes: # color_here = special_nodes[n] # else: # color_here = colors[n] # c = Ellipse( # pos[n], # width=node_sizes[: ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n] * node_aspect, # height=node_sizes[: ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n], # clip_on=False, # facecolor=colors[n], # edgecolor=colors[n], # zorder=-ring - 1, # ) ax.add_patch(c) if node_classification is not None and node_classification[n] in ["space_context_last", "space_dummy_last", "time_dummy_last"]: node_height = node_sizes[: ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n] node_width_difference_to_height = node_height * (1 - node_aspect) c_wide = mpatches.FancyBboxPatch((pos[n-max_lag+1][0] + node_width_difference_to_height / 2, pos[n-max_lag+1][1]), (pos[n][0] - pos[n-max_lag+1][0] - node_width_difference_to_height), 0., boxstyle=mpatches.BoxStyle.Round(pad=0.5 * node_height), facecolor=color_here, edgecolor=color_here, ) ax.add_patch(c_wide) # avoiding attribute error raised by changes in networkx if hasattr(G, "node"): # works with networkx 1.10 G.node[n]["patch"] = c else: # works with networkx 2.4 G.nodes[n]["patch"] = c if ring == 0: ax.text( pos[n][0], pos[n][1], node_labels[n], fontsize=node_label_size, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", alpha=1.0, zorder=5., transform=transform, ) if show_autodependency_lags: ax.text( pos[n][0], pos[n][1], autodep_sig_lags[n], fontsize=link_label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", color="black", zorder=5., transform=transform, ) # Draw edges seen = {} for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True): if d.get("no_links"): d["inner_edge_alpha"] = 1e-8 d["outer_edge_alpha"] = 1e-8 if u != v: if d["outer_edge"]: seen[(u, v)] = draw_edge(ax, u, v, d, seen, outer_edge=True) if d["inner_edge"]: seen[(u, v)] = draw_edge(ax, u, v, d, seen, outer_edge=False) # if network_left_bound is not None: # network_right_bound = 0.98 # else: # network_right_bound = None # fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=network_lower_bound, left=network_left_bound, right=network_right_bound) #, right=0.97)
[docs]def plot_graph( graph, val_matrix=None, var_names=None, fig_ax=None, figsize=None, save_name=None, link_colorbar_label="MCI", node_colorbar_label="auto-MCI", link_width=None, link_attribute=None, node_pos=None, arrow_linewidth=8.0, vmin_edges=-1, vmax_edges=1.0, edge_ticks=0.4, cmap_edges="RdBu_r", vmin_nodes=-1, vmax_nodes=1.0, node_ticks=0.4, cmap_nodes="RdBu_r", node_size=0.3, node_aspect=None, arrowhead_size=20, curved_radius=0.2, label_fontsize=10, tick_label_size=6, alpha=1.0, node_label_size=10, link_label_fontsize=10, lag_array=None, # network_lower_bound=0.2, show_colorbar=True, inner_edge_style="dashed", link_matrix=None, special_nodes=None, show_autodependency_lags=False ): """Creates a network plot. This is still in beta. The network is defined from links in graph. Nodes denote variables, straight links contemporaneous dependencies and curved arrows lagged dependencies. The node color denotes the maximal absolute auto-dependency and the link color the value at the lag with maximal absolute cross-dependency. The link label lists the lags with significant dependency in order of absolute magnitude. The network can also be plotted over a map drawn before on the same axis. Then the node positions can be supplied in appropriate axis coordinates via node_pos. Parameters ---------- graph : string or bool array-like, optional (default: None) Either string matrix providing graph or bool array providing only adjacencies Must be of same shape as val_matrix. val_matrix : array_like Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values. var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. fig_ax : tuple of figure and axis object, optional (default: None) Figure and axes instance. If None they are created. figsize : tuple Size of figure. save_name : str, optional (default: None) Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window. link_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'MCI') Test statistic label. node_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'auto-MCI') Test statistic label for auto-dependencies. link_width : array-like, optional (default: None) Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width. link_attribute : array-like, optional (default: None) String array of val_matrix.shape specifying link attributes. node_pos : dictionary, optional (default: None) Dictionary of node positions in axis coordinates of form node_pos = {'x':array of shape (N,), 'y':array of shape(N)}. These coordinates could have been transformed before for basemap plots. You can also add a key 'transform':ccrs.PlateCarree() in order to plot graphs on a map using cartopy. arrow_linewidth : float, optional (default: 30) Linewidth. vmin_edges : float, optional (default: -1) Link colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_edges : float, optional (default: 1) Link colorbar scale upper bound. edge_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Link tick mark interval. cmap_edges : str, optional (default: 'RdBu_r') Colormap for links. vmin_nodes : float, optional (default: 0) Node colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_nodes : float, optional (default: 1) Node colorbar scale upper bound. node_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Node tick mark interval. cmap_nodes : str, optional (default: 'OrRd') Colormap for links. node_size : int, optional (default: 0.3) Node size. node_aspect : float, optional (default: None) Ratio between the heigth and width of the varible nodes. arrowhead_size : int, optional (default: 20) Size of link arrow head. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. curved_radius, float, optional (default: 0.2) Curvature of links. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of colorbar labels. alpha : float, optional (default: 1.) Opacity. node_label_size : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of node labels. link_label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of link labels. tick_label_size : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of tick labels. lag_array : array, optional (default: None) Optional specification of lags overwriting np.arange(0, tau_max+1) show_colorbar : bool Whether to show colorbars for links and nodes. show_autodependency_lags : bool (default: False) Shows significant autodependencies for a node. """ if link_matrix is not None: raise ValueError("link_matrix is deprecated and replaced by graph array" " which is now returned by all methods.") if fig_ax is None: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) else: fig, ax = fig_ax graph = np.copy(graph.squeeze()) if graph.ndim == 4: raise ValueError("Time series graph of shape (N,N,tau_max+1,tau_max+1) cannot be represented by plot_graph," " use plot_time_series_graph instead.") if graph.ndim == 2: # If a non-time series (N,N)-graph is given, insert a dummy dimension graph = np.expand_dims(graph, axis = 2) if val_matrix is None: no_coloring = True cmap_edges = None cmap_nodes = None else: no_coloring = False (graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute) = _check_matrices( graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute) N, N, dummy = graph.shape tau_max = dummy - 1 max_lag = tau_max + 1 if np.count_nonzero(graph != "") == np.count_nonzero( np.diagonal(graph) != "" ): diagonal = True else: diagonal = False if np.count_nonzero(graph == "") == graph.size or diagonal: graph[0, 1, 0] = "xxx" # Workaround, will not be plotted... no_links = True else: no_links = False if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) # Define graph links by absolute maximum (positive or negative like for # partial correlation) # val_matrix[np.abs(val_matrix) < sig_thres] = 0. # Only draw link in one direction among contemp # Remove lower triangle link_matrix_upper = np.copy(graph) link_matrix_upper[:, :, 0] = np.triu(link_matrix_upper[:, :, 0]) # net = _get_absmax(link_matrix != "") net = np.any(link_matrix_upper != "", axis=2) G = nx.DiGraph(net) # This handels Graphs with no links. # nx.draw(G, alpha=0, zorder=-10) node_color = list(np.zeros(N)) if show_autodependency_lags: autodep_sig_lags = np.full(N, None, dtype='object') else: autodep_sig_lags = None # list of all strengths for color map all_strengths = [] # Add attributes, contemporaneous and lagged links are handled separately for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True): dic["no_links"] = no_links # average lagfunc for link u --> v ANDOR u -- v if tau_max > 0: # argmax of absolute maximum where a link exists! links = np.where(link_matrix_upper[u, v, 1:] != "")[0] if len(links) > 0: argmax_links = np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:][links]).argmax() argmax = links[argmax_links] + 1 else: argmax = 0 else: argmax = 0 if u != v: # For contemp links masking or finite samples can lead to different # values for u--v and v--u # Here we use the maximum for the width and weight (=color) # of the link # Draw link if u--v OR v--u at lag 0 is nonzero # dic['inner_edge'] = ((np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][0]) >= # sig_thres[u, v][0]) or # (np.abs(val_matrix[v, u][0]) >= # sig_thres[v, u][0])) dic["inner_edge"] = link_matrix_upper[u, v, 0] dic["inner_edge_type"] = link_matrix_upper[u, v, 0] dic["inner_edge_alpha"] = alpha if no_coloring: dic["inner_edge_color"] = None else: dic["inner_edge_color"] = val_matrix[u, v, 0] # # value at argmax of average # if np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][0] - val_matrix[v, u][0]) > .0001: # print("Contemporaneous I(%d; %d)=%.3f != I(%d; %d)=%.3f" % ( # u, v, val_matrix[u, v][0], v, u, val_matrix[v, u][0]) + # " due to conditions, finite sample effects or " # "masking, here edge color = " # "larger (absolute) value.") # dic['inner_edge_color'] = _get_absmax( # np.array([[[val_matrix[u, v][0], # val_matrix[v, u][0]]]])).squeeze() if link_width is None: dic["inner_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth else: dic["inner_edge_width"] = ( link_width[u, v, 0] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth ) if link_attribute is None: dic["inner_edge_attribute"] = None else: dic["inner_edge_attribute"] = link_attribute[u, v, 0] # # fraction of nonzero values dic["inner_edge_style"] = "solid" # else: # dic['inner_edge_style'] = link_style[ # u, v, 0] all_strengths.append(dic["inner_edge_color"]) if tau_max > 0: # True if ensemble mean at lags > 0 is nonzero # dic['outer_edge'] = np.any( # np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]) >= sig_thres[u, v][1:]) dic["outer_edge"] = np.any(link_matrix_upper[u, v, 1:] != "") else: dic["outer_edge"] = False # print(u, v, dic["outer_edge"], argmax, link_matrix_upper[u, v, :]) dic["outer_edge_type"] = link_matrix_upper[u, v, argmax] dic["outer_edge_alpha"] = alpha if link_width is None: # fraction of nonzero values dic["outer_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth else: dic["outer_edge_width"] = ( link_width[u, v, argmax] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth ) if link_attribute is None: # fraction of nonzero values dic["outer_edge_attribute"] = None else: dic["outer_edge_attribute"] = link_attribute[u, v, argmax] # value at argmax of average if no_coloring: dic["outer_edge_color"] = None else: dic["outer_edge_color"] = val_matrix[u, v][argmax] all_strengths.append(dic["outer_edge_color"]) # Sorted list of significant lags (only if robust wrt # d['min_ensemble_frac']) if tau_max > 0: lags = np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]).argsort()[::-1] + 1 sig_lags = (np.where(link_matrix_upper[u, v, 1:] != "")[0] + 1).tolist() else: lags, sig_lags = [], [] if lag_array is not None: dic["label"] = str([lag_array[l] for l in lags if l in sig_lags])[1:-1].replace(" ", "") else: dic["label"] = str([l for l in lags if l in sig_lags])[1:-1].replace(" ", "") else: # Node color is max of average autodependency if no_coloring: node_color[u] = None else: node_color[u] = val_matrix[u, v][argmax] if show_autodependency_lags: autodep_sig_lags[u] = "\n\n\n" + ",".join(str(i) for i in (np.where(link_matrix_upper[u, v, 1:] != "")[0] + 1).tolist()) # Lags upto tau_max #autodep_lags = np.argsort(val_matrix[u, v][1:])[::-1] #autodep_lags += 1 #autodeplags[u] = "\n\n\n" + ",".join(str(i) for i in autodep_lags.tolist()) dic["inner_edge_attribute"] = None dic["outer_edge_attribute"] = None # dic['outer_edge_edge'] = False # dic['outer_edge_edgecolor'] = None # dic['inner_edge_edge'] = False # dic['inner_edge_edgecolor'] = None if special_nodes is not None: special_nodes_draw = {} for node in special_nodes: i, tau = node if tau >= -tau_max: special_nodes_draw[i] = special_nodes[node] special_nodes = special_nodes_draw # If no links are present, set value to zero if len(all_strengths) == 0: all_strengths = [0.0] if node_pos is None: pos = nx.circular_layout(deepcopy(G)) else: pos = {} for i in range(N): pos[i] = (node_pos["x"][i], node_pos["y"][i]) if node_pos is not None and 'transform' in node_pos: transform = node_pos['transform'] else: transform = ax.transData if cmap_nodes is None: node_color = None node_rings = { 0: { "sizes": None, "color_array": node_color, "cmap": cmap_nodes, "vmin": vmin_nodes, "vmax": vmax_nodes, "ticks": node_ticks, "label": node_colorbar_label, "colorbar": show_colorbar, } } _draw_network_with_curved_edges( fig=fig, ax=ax, G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos, # dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array # or None, 'cmap':string, node_rings=node_rings, # 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None, 'label':string or None}} node_labels=var_names, node_label_size=node_label_size, node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size, node_aspect=node_aspect, standard_cmap="OrRd", standard_color_nodes="lightgrey", standard_color_links="black", log_sizes=False, cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges, links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks, tick_label_size=tick_label_size, # cmap_links_edges='YlOrRd', links_edges_vmin=-1., links_edges_vmax=1., # links_edges_ticks=.2, link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge', arrowstyle="simple", arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size, curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize, link_label_fontsize=link_label_fontsize, link_colorbar_label=link_colorbar_label, # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound, show_colorbar=show_colorbar, # label_fraction=label_fraction, special_nodes=special_nodes, autodep_sig_lags=autodep_sig_lags, show_autodependency_lags=show_autodependency_lags, transform=transform ) if save_name is not None: pyplot.savefig(save_name, dpi=300) else: return fig, ax
def _reverse_patt(patt): """Inverts a link pattern""" if patt == "": return "" left_mark, middle_mark, right_mark = patt[0], patt[1], patt[2] if left_mark == "<": new_right_mark = ">" else: new_right_mark = left_mark if right_mark == ">": new_left_mark = "<" else: new_left_mark = right_mark return new_left_mark + middle_mark + new_right_mark # if patt in ['---', 'o--', '--o', 'o-o', '']: # return patt[::-1] # elif patt == '<->': # return '<->' # elif patt == 'o->': # return '<-o' # elif patt == '<-o': # return 'o->' # elif patt == '-->': # return '<--' # elif patt == '<--': # return '-->' def _check_matrices(graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute): if graph.dtype != "<U3": # Transform to new graph data type U3 old_matrix = np.copy(graph) graph = np.zeros(old_matrix.shape, dtype="<U3") graph[:] = "" for i, j, tau in zip(*np.where(old_matrix)): if tau == 0: if old_matrix[j, i, 0] == 0: graph[i, j, 0] = "-->" graph[j, i, 0] = "<--" else: graph[i, j, 0] = "o-o" graph[j, i, 0] = "o-o" else: graph[i, j, tau] = "-->" if graph.ndim == 4: for i, j, taui, tauj in zip(*np.where(graph)): if graph[i, j, taui, tauj] not in [ "---", "o--", "--o", "o-o", "o->", "<-o", "-->", "<--", "<->", "x-o", "o-x", "x--", "--x", "x->", "<-x", "x-x", "<-+", "+->", ]: raise ValueError("Invalid graph entry.") if graph[i, j, taui, tauj] != _reverse_patt(graph[j, i, tauj, taui]): raise ValueError( "graph needs to have consistent entries: " "graph[i, j, taui, tauj] == _reverse_patt(graph[j, i, tauj, taui])") if ( val_matrix is not None and val_matrix[i, j, taui, tauj] != val_matrix[j, i, tauj, taui] ): raise ValueError( "val_matrix needs to have consistent entries: " "val_matrix[i, j, taui, tauj] == val_matrix[j, i, tauj, taui]") if ( link_width is not None and link_width[i, j, taui, tauj] != link_width[j, i, tauj, taui] ): raise ValueError( "link_width needs to have consistent entries: " "link_width[i, j, taui, tauj] == link_width[j, i, tauj, taui]") if ( link_attribute is not None and link_attribute[i, j, taui, tauj] != link_attribute[j, i, tauj, taui] ): raise ValueError( "link_attribute needs to have consistent entries: " "link_attribute[i, j, taui, tauj] == link_attribute[j, i, tauj, taui]") else: # print(graph[:,:,0]) # Assert that graph has valid and consistent lag-zero entries for i, j, tau in zip(*np.where(graph)): if tau == 0: if graph[i, j, 0] != _reverse_patt(graph[j, i, 0]): raise ValueError( "graph needs to have consistent lag-zero links, but " " graph[%d,%d,0]=%s and graph[%d,%d,0]=%s)" %(i, j, graph[i, j, 0], j, i, graph[j, i, 0]) ) if ( val_matrix is not None and val_matrix[i, j, 0] != val_matrix[j, i, 0] ): raise ValueError("val_matrix needs to be symmetric for lag-zero") if ( link_width is not None and link_width[i, j, 0] != link_width[j, i, 0] ): raise ValueError("link_width needs to be symmetric for lag-zero") if ( link_attribute is not None and link_attribute[i, j, 0] != link_attribute[j, i, 0] ): raise ValueError( "link_attribute needs to be symmetric for lag-zero" ) if graph[i, j, tau] not in [ "---", "o--", "--o", "o-o", "o->", "<-o", "-->", "<--", "<->", "x-o", "o-x", "x--", "--x", "x->", "<-x", "x-x", "<-+", "+->", ]: raise ValueError("Invalid graph entry.") if val_matrix is None: # if graph.ndim == 4: # val_matrix = (graph != "").astype("int") # else: val_matrix = (graph != "").astype("int") if link_width is not None and not np.all(link_width >= 0.0): raise ValueError("link_width must be non-negative") return graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute
[docs]def plot_time_series_graph( graph, val_matrix=None, var_names=None, fig_ax=None, figsize=None, link_colorbar_label="MCI", save_name=None, link_width=None, link_attribute=None, arrow_linewidth=4, vmin_edges=-1, vmax_edges=1.0, edge_ticks=0.4, cmap_edges="RdBu_r", order=None, node_size=0.1, node_aspect=None, arrowhead_size=20, curved_radius=0.2, label_fontsize=10, tick_label_size=6, alpha=1.0, inner_edge_style="dashed", link_matrix=None, special_nodes=None, node_classification=None, # aux_graph=None, standard_color_links='black', standard_color_nodes='lightgrey', ): """Creates a time series graph. This is still in beta. The time series graph's links are colored by val_matrix. Parameters ---------- graph : string or bool array-like, optional (default: None) Either string matrix providing graph or bool array providing only adjacencies Either of shape (N, N, tau_max + 1) or as auxiliary graph of dims (N, N, tau_max+1, tau_max+1) describing auxADMG. val_matrix : array_like Matrix of same shape as graph containing test statistic values. var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. fig_ax : tuple of figure and axis object, optional (default: None) Figure and axes instance. If None they are created. figsize : tuple Size of figure. save_name : str, optional (default: None) Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window. link_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'MCI') Test statistic label. link_width : array-like, optional (default: None) Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width. link_attribute : array-like, optional (default: None) Array of graph.shape specifying specific in drawing the graph (for internal use). order : list, optional (default: None) order of variables from top to bottom. arrow_linewidth : float, optional (default: 30) Linewidth. vmin_edges : float, optional (default: -1) Link colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_edges : float, optional (default: 1) Link colorbar scale upper bound. edge_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Link tick mark interval. cmap_edges : str, optional (default: 'RdBu_r') Colormap for links. node_size : int, optional (default: 0.1) Node size. node_aspect : float, optional (default: None) Ratio between the heigth and width of the varible nodes. arrowhead_size : int, optional (default: 20) Size of link arrow head. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. curved_radius, float, optional (default: 0.2) Curvature of links. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of colorbar labels. alpha : float, optional (default: 1.) Opacity. node_label_size : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of node labels. link_label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of link labels. tick_label_size : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of tick labels. inner_edge_style : string, optional (default: 'dashed') Style of inner_edge contemporaneous links. special_nodes : dict Dictionary of format {(i, -tau): 'blue', ...} to color special nodes. node_classification : dict or None (default: None) Dictionary of format {i: 'space_context', ...} to classify nodes into system, context, or dummy nodes. Keys of the dictionary are from {0, ..., N-1} where N is the number of nodes. Options for the values are "system", "time_context", "space_context", "time_dummy", or "space_dummy". Space_contexts and dummy nodes need to be represented as a single node in the time series graph. In case no value is supplied all nodes are treated as system nodes, i.e. are plotted in a time-resolved manner. """ if link_matrix is not None: raise ValueError("link_matrix is deprecated and replaced by graph array" " which is now returned by all methods.") if fig_ax is None: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) else: fig, ax = fig_ax if val_matrix is None: no_coloring = True cmap_edges = None else: no_coloring = False (graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute) = _check_matrices( graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute ) if graph.ndim == 4: N, N, dummy, _ = graph.shape tau_max = dummy - 1 max_lag = tau_max + 1 else: N, N, dummy = graph.shape tau_max = dummy - 1 max_lag = tau_max + 1 if np.count_nonzero(graph == "") == graph.size: if graph.ndim == 4: graph[0, 1, 0, 0] = "---" else: graph[0, 1, 0] = "---" no_links = True else: no_links = False if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) if order is None: order = range(N) if set(order) != set(range(N)): raise ValueError("order must be a permutation of range(N)") def translate(row, lag): return row * max_lag + lag # Define graph links by absolute maximum (positive or negative like for # partial correlation) tsg = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag)) tsg_val = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag)) tsg_width = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag)) tsg_style = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag), dtype=graph.dtype) if link_attribute is not None: tsg_attr = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag), dtype=link_attribute.dtype) if graph.ndim == 4: # 4-dimensional graphs represent the finite-time window projection of stationary 3-d graphs # They are internally created in some classes # Only draw link in one direction for i, j, taui, tauj in np.column_stack(np.where(graph)): tau = taui - tauj # if tau <= 0 and j <= i: if translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui) >= translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj): continue # print(max_lag, (i, -taui), (j, -tauj), aux_graph[i, j, taui, tauj]) # print(translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)) tsg[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)] = 1.0 tsg_val[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)] = val_matrix[i, j, taui, tauj] tsg_style[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)] = graph[i, j, taui, tauj] if link_width is not None: tsg_width[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)] = link_width[i, j, taui, tauj] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth if link_attribute is not None: tsg_attr[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)] = link_attribute[i, j, taui, tauj] #'spurious' # print(tsg_style) # print(tsg_style[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)] = graph[i, j, taui, tauj]) # print(max_lag, (i, -taui), (j, -tauj), graph[i, j, taui, tauj], tsg_style[translate(i, max_lag - 1 - taui), translate(j, max_lag-1-tauj)]) else: # Only draw link in one direction # Remove lower triangle link_matrix_tsg = np.copy(graph) link_matrix_tsg[:, :, 0] = np.triu(graph[:, :, 0]) for i, j, tau in np.column_stack(np.where(link_matrix_tsg)): for t in range(max_lag): if ( 0 <= translate(i, t - tau) and translate(i, t - tau) % max_lag <= translate(j, t) % max_lag ): tsg[ translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t) ] = 1.0 # val_matrix[i, j, tau] tsg_val[translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t)] = val_matrix[i, j, tau] tsg_style[translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t)] = graph[ i, j, tau ] if link_width is not None: tsg_width[translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t)] = ( link_width[i, j, tau] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth ) if link_attribute is not None: tsg_attr[translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t)] = link_attribute[ i, j, tau ] G = nx.DiGraph(tsg) if special_nodes is not None: special_nodes_tsg = {} for node in special_nodes: i, tau = node if tau >= -tau_max: special_nodes_tsg[translate(i, max_lag-1 + tau)] = special_nodes[node] special_nodes = special_nodes_tsg if node_classification is None: node_classification = {i: "system" for i in range(N)} node_classification_tsg = {} for node in node_classification: for tau in range(max_lag): if tau == 0: suffix = "_first" elif tau == max_lag-1: suffix = "_last" else: suffix = "_middle" node_classification_tsg[translate(node, tau)] = node_classification[node] + suffix # node_color = np.zeros(N) # list of all strengths for color map all_strengths = [] # Add attributes, contemporaneous and lagged links are handled separately for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True): dic["no_links"] = no_links if u != v: # tau = np.abs((u - v) % max_lag) # Determine neighbors in TSG i = u // max_lag taui = -(max_lag -1 - (u % max_lag)) j = v // max_lag tauj = -(max_lag -1 - (v % max_lag)) if np.abs(i-j) <= 1 and np.abs(tauj-taui) <= 1: inout = 'inner' dic["inner_edge"] = True dic["outer_edge"] = False else: inout = 'outer' dic["inner_edge"] = False dic["outer_edge"] = True dic["%s_edge_type" % inout] = tsg_style[u, v] dic["%s_edge_alpha" % inout] = alpha if link_width is None: # fraction of nonzero values dic["%s_edge_width" % inout] = dic["%s_edge_width" % inout] = arrow_linewidth else: dic["%s_edge_width" % inout] = dic["%s_edge_width" % inout] = tsg_width[u, v] if link_attribute is None: dic["%s_edge_attribute" % inout] = None else: dic["%s_edge_attribute" % inout] = tsg_attr[u, v] # value at argmax of average if no_coloring: dic["%s_edge_color" % inout] = None else: dic["%s_edge_color" % inout] = tsg_val[u, v] all_strengths.append(dic["%s_edge_color" % inout]) dic["label"] = None # print(u, v, dic) # If no links are present, set value to zero if len(all_strengths) == 0: all_strengths = [0.0] posarray = np.zeros((N * max_lag, 2)) for i in range(N * max_lag): posarray[i] = np.array([(i % max_lag), (1.0 - i // max_lag)]) pos_tmp = {} for i in range(N * max_lag): # for n in range(N): # for tau in range(max_lag): # i = n*N + tau pos_tmp[i] = np.array( [ ((i % max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]) / (posarray.max(axis=0)[0] - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]), ((1.0 - i // max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[1]) / (posarray.max(axis=0)[1] - posarray.min(axis=0)[1]), ] ) pos_tmp[i][np.isnan(pos_tmp[i])] = 0.0 pos = {} for n in range(N): for tau in range(max_lag): pos[n * max_lag + tau] = pos_tmp[order[n] * max_lag + tau] node_rings = { 0: {"sizes": None, "color_array": None, "label": "", "colorbar": False,} } node_labels = ["" for i in range(N * max_lag)] if graph.ndim == 4 and val_matrix is None: show_colorbar = False else: show_colorbar = True _draw_network_with_curved_edges( fig=fig, ax=ax, G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos, node_rings=node_rings, node_labels=node_labels, # node_label_size=node_label_size, node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size, node_aspect=node_aspect, standard_cmap="OrRd", standard_color_nodes=standard_color_nodes, standard_color_links=standard_color_links, log_sizes=False, cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges, links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks, # link_label_fontsize=link_label_fontsize, arrowstyle="simple", arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size, curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize, tick_label_size=tick_label_size, label_fraction=0.5, link_colorbar_label=link_colorbar_label, inner_edge_curved=False, # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound, # network_left_bound=label_space_left, inner_edge_style=inner_edge_style, special_nodes=special_nodes, show_colorbar=show_colorbar, node_classification=node_classification_tsg, max_lag=max_lag, ) for i in range(N): trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) # trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(fig.transFigure, ax.transData) ax.text( 0., pos[order[i] * max_lag][1], f"{var_names[order[i]]}", fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="center", transform=trans, ) for tau in np.arange(max_lag - 1, -1, -1): trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) # trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, fig.transFigure) if tau == max_lag - 1: ax.text( pos[tau][0], 1.0, # - label_space_top, r"$t$", fontsize=int(label_fontsize * 0.8), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=trans, ) else: ax.text( pos[tau][0], 1.0, # - label_space_top, r"$t-%s$" % str(max_lag - tau - 1), fontsize=int(label_fontsize * 0.8), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=trans, ) # pyplot.tight_layout() if save_name is not None: pyplot.savefig(save_name, dpi=300) else: return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_mediation_time_series_graph( path_node_array, tsg_path_val_matrix, var_names=None, fig_ax=None, figsize=None, link_colorbar_label="link coeff. (edge color)", node_colorbar_label="MCE (node color)", save_name=None, link_width=None, arrow_linewidth=8, vmin_edges=-1, vmax_edges=1.0, edge_ticks=0.4, cmap_edges="RdBu_r", order=None, vmin_nodes=-1.0, vmax_nodes=1.0, node_ticks=0.4, cmap_nodes="RdBu_r", node_size=0.1, node_aspect=None, arrowhead_size=20, curved_radius=0.2, label_fontsize=12, alpha=1.0, node_label_size=12, tick_label_size=6, standard_color_links='black', standard_color_nodes='lightgrey', ): """Creates a mediation time series graph plot. This is still in beta. The time series graph's links are colored by val_matrix. Parameters ---------- tsg_path_val_matrix : array_like Matrix of shape (N*tau_max, N*tau_max) containing link weight values. path_node_array: array_like Array of shape (N,) containing node values. var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. fig_ax : tuple of figure and axis object, optional (default: None) Figure and axes instance. If None they are created. figsize : tuple Size of figure. save_name : str, optional (default: None) Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window. link_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'link coeff. (edge color)') Link colorbar label. node_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'MCE (node color)') Node colorbar label. link_width : array-like, optional (default: None) Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width. order : list, optional (default: None) order of variables from top to bottom. arrow_linewidth : float, optional (default: 30) Linewidth. vmin_edges : float, optional (default: -1) Link colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_edges : float, optional (default: 1) Link colorbar scale upper bound. edge_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Link tick mark interval. cmap_edges : str, optional (default: 'RdBu_r') Colormap for links. vmin_nodes : float, optional (default: 0) Node colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_nodes : float, optional (default: 1) Node colorbar scale upper bound. node_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Node tick mark interval. cmap_nodes : str, optional (default: 'OrRd') Colormap for links. node_size : int, optional (default: 0.1) Node size. node_aspect : float, optional (default: None) Ratio between the heigth and width of the varible nodes. arrowhead_size : int, optional (default: 20) Size of link arrow head. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. curved_radius, float, optional (default: 0.2) Curvature of links. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of colorbar labels. alpha : float, optional (default: 1.) Opacity. node_label_size : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of node labels. link_label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of link labels. """ N = len(path_node_array) Nmaxlag = tsg_path_val_matrix.shape[0] max_lag = Nmaxlag // N if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) if fig_ax is None: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) else: fig, ax = fig_ax if link_width is not None and not np.all(link_width >= 0.0): raise ValueError("link_width must be non-negative") if order is None: order = range(N) if set(order) != set(range(N)): raise ValueError("order must be a permutation of range(N)") def translate(row, lag): return row * max_lag + lag if np.count_nonzero(tsg_path_val_matrix) == np.count_nonzero( np.diagonal(tsg_path_val_matrix) ): diagonal = True else: diagonal = False if np.count_nonzero(tsg_path_val_matrix) == tsg_path_val_matrix.size or diagonal: tsg_path_val_matrix[0, 1] = 1 no_links = True else: no_links = False # Define graph links by absolute maximum (positive or negative like for # partial correlation) tsg = tsg_path_val_matrix tsg_attr = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag)) G = nx.DiGraph(tsg) # node_color = np.zeros(N) # list of all strengths for color map all_strengths = [] # Add attributes, contemporaneous and lagged links are handled separately for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True): dic["no_links"] = no_links dic["outer_edge_attribute"] = None if u != v: if u % max_lag == v % max_lag: dic["inner_edge"] = True dic["outer_edge"] = False else: dic["inner_edge"] = False dic["outer_edge"] = True dic["inner_edge_alpha"] = alpha dic["inner_edge_color"] = _get_absmax( np.array([[[tsg[u, v], tsg[v, u]]]]) ).squeeze() dic["inner_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth all_strengths.append(dic["inner_edge_color"]) dic["outer_edge_alpha"] = alpha dic["outer_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth # value at argmax of average dic["outer_edge_color"] = tsg[u, v] all_strengths.append(dic["outer_edge_color"]) dic["label"] = None # dic['outer_edge_edge'] = False # dic['outer_edge_edgecolor'] = None # dic['inner_edge_edge'] = False # dic['inner_edge_edgecolor'] = None # If no links are present, set value to zero if len(all_strengths) == 0: all_strengths = [0.0] posarray = np.zeros((N * max_lag, 2)) for i in range(N * max_lag): posarray[i] = np.array([(i % max_lag), (1.0 - i // max_lag)]) pos_tmp = {} for i in range(N * max_lag): # for n in range(N): # for tau in range(max_lag): # i = n*N + tau pos_tmp[i] = np.array( [ ((i % max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]) / (posarray.max(axis=0)[0] - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]), ((1.0 - i // max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[1]) / (posarray.max(axis=0)[1] - posarray.min(axis=0)[1]), ] ) pos_tmp[i][np.isnan(pos_tmp[i])] = 0.0 pos = {} for n in range(N): for tau in range(max_lag): pos[n * max_lag + tau] = pos_tmp[order[n] * max_lag + tau] node_color = np.zeros(N * max_lag) for inet, n in enumerate(range(0, N * max_lag, max_lag)): node_color[n : n + max_lag] = path_node_array[inet] # node_rings = {0: {'sizes': None, 'color_array': color_array, # 'label': '', 'colorbar': False, # } # } node_rings = { 0: { "sizes": None, "color_array": node_color, "cmap": cmap_nodes, "vmin": vmin_nodes, "vmax": vmax_nodes, "ticks": node_ticks, "label": node_colorbar_label, "colorbar": True, } } # ] for v in range(max_lag)] node_labels = ["" for i in range(N * max_lag)] _draw_network_with_curved_edges( fig=fig, ax=ax, G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos, # dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array # or None, 'cmap':string, node_rings=node_rings, # 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None, 'label':string or None}} node_labels=node_labels, node_label_size=node_label_size, node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size, node_aspect=node_aspect, standard_cmap="OrRd", standard_color_nodes=standard_color_nodes, standard_color_links=standard_color_links, log_sizes=False, cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges, links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks, tick_label_size=tick_label_size, # cmap_links_edges='YlOrRd', links_edges_vmin=-1., links_edges_vmax=1., # links_edges_ticks=.2, link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge', arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size, curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize, label_fraction=0.5, link_colorbar_label=link_colorbar_label, inner_edge_curved=True, # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound # inner_edge_style=inner_edge_style ) for i in range(N): trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) # trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(fig.transFigure, ax.transData) ax.text( 0., pos[order[i] * max_lag][1], "%s" % str(var_names[order[i]]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="center", transform=trans, ) for tau in np.arange(max_lag - 1, -1, -1): trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) # trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, fig.transFigure) if tau == max_lag - 1: ax.text( pos[tau][0], 1.0, # - label_space_top, r"$t$", fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=trans, ) else: ax.text( pos[tau][0], 1.0, # - label_space_top, r"$t-%s$" % str(max_lag - tau - 1), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=trans, ) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.98, bottom=.25, top=.9) # savestring = os.path.expanduser(save_name) if save_name is not None: pyplot.savefig(save_name) else:
[docs]def plot_mediation_graph( path_val_matrix, path_node_array=None, var_names=None, fig_ax=None, figsize=None, save_name=None, link_colorbar_label="link coeff. (edge color)", node_colorbar_label="MCE (node color)", link_width=None, node_pos=None, arrow_linewidth=10.0, vmin_edges=-1, vmax_edges=1.0, edge_ticks=0.4, cmap_edges="RdBu_r", vmin_nodes=-1.0, vmax_nodes=1.0, node_ticks=0.4, cmap_nodes="RdBu_r", node_size=0.3, node_aspect=None, arrowhead_size=20, curved_radius=0.2, label_fontsize=10, tick_label_size=6, lag_array=None, alpha=1.0, node_label_size=10, link_label_fontsize=10, # network_lower_bound=0.2, standard_color_links='black', standard_color_nodes='lightgrey', ): """Creates a network plot visualizing the pathways of a mediation analysis. This is still in beta. The network is defined from non-zero entries in ``path_val_matrix``. Nodes denote variables, straight links contemporaneous dependencies and curved arrows lagged dependencies. The node color denotes the mediated causal effect (MCE) and the link color the value at the lag with maximal link coefficient. The link label lists the lags with significant dependency in order of absolute magnitude. The network can also be plotted over a map drawn before on the same axis. Then the node positions can be supplied in appropriate axis coordinates via node_pos. Parameters ---------- path_val_matrix : array_like Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing link weight values. path_node_array: array_like Array of shape (N,) containing node values. var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. fig_ax : tuple of figure and axis object, optional (default: None) Figure and axes instance. If None they are created. figsize : tuple Size of figure. save_name : str, optional (default: None) Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window. link_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'link coeff. (edge color)') Link colorbar label. node_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'MCE (node color)') Node colorbar label. link_width : array-like, optional (default: None) Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width. node_pos : dictionary, optional (default: None) Dictionary of node positions in axis coordinates of form node_pos = {'x':array of shape (N,), 'y':array of shape(N)}. These coordinates could have been transformed before for basemap plots. You can also add a key 'transform':ccrs.PlateCarree() in order to plot graphs on a map using cartopy. arrow_linewidth : float, optional (default: 30) Linewidth. vmin_edges : float, optional (default: -1) Link colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_edges : float, optional (default: 1) Link colorbar scale upper bound. edge_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Link tick mark interval. cmap_edges : str, optional (default: 'RdBu_r') Colormap for links. vmin_nodes : float, optional (default: 0) Node colorbar scale lower bound. vmax_nodes : float, optional (default: 1) Node colorbar scale upper bound. node_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4) Node tick mark interval. cmap_nodes : str, optional (default: 'OrRd') Colormap for links. node_size : int, optional (default: 0.3) Node size. node_aspect : float, optional (default: None) Ratio between the heigth and width of the varible nodes. arrowhead_size : int, optional (default: 20) Size of link arrow head. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. curved_radius, float, optional (default: 0.2) Curvature of links. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object. label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of colorbar labels. alpha : float, optional (default: 1.) Opacity. node_label_size : int, optional (default: 10) Fontsize of node labels. link_label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 6) Fontsize of link labels. lag_array : array, optional (default: None) Optional specification of lags overwriting np.arange(0, tau_max+1) """ val_matrix = path_val_matrix if fig_ax is None: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) else: fig, ax = fig_ax if link_width is not None and not np.all(link_width >= 0.0): raise ValueError("link_width must be non-negative") N, N, dummy = val_matrix.shape tau_max = dummy - 1 if np.count_nonzero(val_matrix) == np.count_nonzero(np.diagonal(val_matrix)): diagonal = True else: diagonal = False if np.count_nonzero(val_matrix) == val_matrix.size or diagonal: val_matrix[0, 1, 0] = 1 no_links = True else: no_links = False if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) # Define graph links by absolute maximum (positive or negative like for # partial correlation) # val_matrix[np.abs(val_matrix) < sig_thres] = 0. graph = val_matrix != 0.0 net = _get_absmax(val_matrix) G = nx.DiGraph(net) node_color = np.zeros(N) # list of all strengths for color map all_strengths = [] # Add attributes, contemporaneous and lagged links are handled separately for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True): dic["outer_edge_attribute"] = None dic["no_links"] = no_links # average lagfunc for link u --> v ANDOR u -- v if tau_max > 0: # argmax of absolute maximum argmax = np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]).argmax() + 1 else: argmax = 0 if u != v: # For contemp links masking or finite samples can lead to different # values for u--v and v--u # Here we use the maximum for the width and weight (=color) # of the link # Draw link if u--v OR v--u at lag 0 is nonzero # dic['inner_edge'] = ((np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][0]) >= # sig_thres[u, v][0]) or # (np.abs(val_matrix[v, u][0]) >= # sig_thres[v, u][0])) dic["inner_edge"] = graph[u, v, 0] or graph[v, u, 0] dic["inner_edge_alpha"] = alpha # value at argmax of average if np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][0] - val_matrix[v, u][0]) > 0.0001: print( "Contemporaneous I(%d; %d)=%.3f != I(%d; %d)=%.3f" % (u, v, val_matrix[u, v][0], v, u, val_matrix[v, u][0]) + " due to conditions, finite sample effects or " "masking, here edge color = " "larger (absolute) value." ) dic["inner_edge_color"] = _get_absmax( np.array([[[val_matrix[u, v][0], val_matrix[v, u][0]]]]) ).squeeze() if link_width is None: dic["inner_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth else: dic["inner_edge_width"] = ( link_width[u, v, 0] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth ) all_strengths.append(dic["inner_edge_color"]) if tau_max > 0: # True if ensemble mean at lags > 0 is nonzero # dic['outer_edge'] = np.any( # np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]) >= sig_thres[u, v][1:]) dic["outer_edge"] = np.any(graph[u, v, 1:]) else: dic["outer_edge"] = False dic["outer_edge_alpha"] = alpha if link_width is None: # fraction of nonzero values dic["outer_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth else: dic["outer_edge_width"] = ( link_width[u, v, argmax] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth ) # value at argmax of average dic["outer_edge_color"] = val_matrix[u, v][argmax] all_strengths.append(dic["outer_edge_color"]) # Sorted list of significant lags (only if robust wrt # d['min_ensemble_frac']) if tau_max > 0: lags = np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]).argsort()[::-1] + 1 sig_lags = (np.where(graph[u, v, 1:])[0] + 1).tolist() else: lags, sig_lags = [], [] if lag_array is not None: dic["label"] = str([lag_array[l] for l in lags if l in sig_lags])[1:-1].replace(" ", "") else: dic["label"] = str([l for l in lags if l in sig_lags])[1:-1].replace(" ", "") else: # Node color is max of average autodependency node_color[u] = val_matrix[u, v][argmax] # dic['outer_edge_edge'] = False # dic['outer_edge_edgecolor'] = None # dic['inner_edge_edge'] = False # dic['inner_edge_edgecolor'] = None node_color = path_node_array # print node_color # If no links are present, set value to zero if len(all_strengths) == 0: all_strengths = [0.0] if node_pos is None: pos = nx.circular_layout(deepcopy(G)) # pos = nx.spring_layout(deepcopy(G)) else: pos = {} for i in range(N): pos[i] = (node_pos["x"][i], node_pos["y"][i]) if node_pos is not None and 'transform' in node_pos: transform = node_pos['transform'] else: transform = ax.transData node_rings = { 0: { "sizes": None, "color_array": node_color, "cmap": cmap_nodes, "vmin": vmin_nodes, "vmax": vmax_nodes, "ticks": node_ticks, "label": node_colorbar_label, "colorbar": True, } } _draw_network_with_curved_edges( fig=fig, ax=ax, G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos, # dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array # or None, 'cmap':string, node_rings=node_rings, # 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None, 'label':string or None}} node_labels=var_names, node_label_size=node_label_size, node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size, node_aspect=node_aspect, standard_cmap="OrRd", standard_color_nodes=standard_color_nodes, standard_color_links=standard_color_links, log_sizes=False, cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges, links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks, tick_label_size=tick_label_size, # cmap_links_edges='YlOrRd', links_edges_vmin=-1., links_edges_vmax=1., # links_edges_ticks=.2, link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge', arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size, curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize, link_label_fontsize=link_label_fontsize, link_colorbar_label=link_colorbar_label, # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound, # label_fraction=label_fraction, # inner_edge_style=inner_edge_style transform=transform ) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.9, bottom=.25, top=.95) # savestring = os.path.expanduser(save_name) if save_name is not None: pyplot.savefig(save_name) else:
# # Functions to plot time series graphs from links including ancestors #
[docs]def plot_tsg(links, X, Y, Z=None, anc_x=None, anc_y=None, anc_xy=None): """Plots TSG that is input in format (N*max_lag, N*max_lag). Compared to the tigramite plotting function here links X^i_{t-tau} --> X^j_t can be missing for different t'. Helpful to visualize the conditioned TSG. """ def varlag2node(var, lag): """Translate from (var, lag) notation to node in TSG. lag must be <= 0. """ return var * max_lag + lag def node2varlag(node): """Translate from node in TSG to (var, -tau) notation. Here tau is <= 0. """ var = node // max_lag tau = node % (max_lag) - (max_lag - 1) return var, tau def _get_minmax_lag(links): """Helper function to retrieve tau_min and tau_max from links """ N = len(links) # Get maximum time lag min_lag = np.inf max_lag = 0 for j in range(N): for link_props in links[j]: var, lag = link_props[0] coeff = link_props[1] # func = link_props[2] if coeff != 0.: min_lag = min(min_lag, abs(lag)) max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(lag)) return min_lag, max_lag def _links_to_tsg(link_coeffs, max_lag=None): """Transform link_coeffs to time series graph. TSG is of shape (N*max_lag, N*max_lag). """ N = len(link_coeffs) # Get maximum lag min_lag_links, max_lag_links = _get_minmax_lag(link_coeffs) # max_lag of TSG is max lag in links + 1 for the zero lag. if max_lag is None: max_lag = max_lag_links + 1 tsg = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag)) for j in range(N): for link_props in link_coeffs[j]: i, lag = link_props[0] tau = abs(lag) coeff = link_props[1] # func = link_props[2] if coeff != 0.0: for t in range(max_lag): if ( 0 <= varlag2node(i, t - tau) and varlag2node(i, t - tau) % max_lag <= varlag2node(j, t) % max_lag ): tsg[varlag2node(i, t - tau), varlag2node(j, t)] = 1.0 return tsg color_list = ["lightgrey", "grey", "black", "red", "blue", "orange"] listcmap = ListedColormap(color_list) N = len(links) min_lag_links, max_lag_links = _get_minmax_lag(links) max_lag = max_lag_links for anc in X + Y: max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(anc[1])) for anc in Y: max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(anc[1])) if Z is not None: for anc in Z: max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(anc[1])) if anc_x is not None: for anc in anc_x: max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(anc[1])) if anc_y is not None: for anc in anc_y: max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(anc[1])) if anc_xy is not None: for anc in anc_xy: max_lag = max(max_lag, abs(anc[1])) max_lag = max_lag + 1 tsg = _links_to_tsg(links, max_lag=max_lag) G = nx.DiGraph(tsg) figsize = (3, 3) link_colorbar_label = "MCI" arrow_linewidth = 8.0 vmin_edges = -1 vmax_edges = 1.0 edge_ticks = 0.4 cmap_edges = "RdBu_r" order = None node_size = .1 arrowhead_size = 20 curved_radius = 0.2 label_fontsize = 10 alpha = 1.0 node_label_size = 10 # label_space_left = 0.1 # label_space_top = 0.0 # network_lower_bound = 0.2 inner_edge_style = "dashed" node_color = np.ones(N * max_lag) # , dtype = 'object') node_color[:] = 0 if anc_x is not None: for n in [varlag2node(itau[0], max_lag - 1 + itau[1]) for itau in anc_x]: node_color[n] = 3 if anc_y is not None: for n in [varlag2node(itau[0], max_lag - 1 + itau[1]) for itau in anc_y]: node_color[n] = 4 if anc_xy is not None: for n in [varlag2node(itau[0], max_lag - 1 + itau[1]) for itau in anc_xy]: node_color[n] = 5 for x in X: node_color[varlag2node(x[0], max_lag - 1 + x[1])] = 2 for y in Y: node_color[varlag2node(y[0], max_lag - 1 + y[1])] = 2 if Z is not None: for z in Z: node_color[varlag2node(z[0], max_lag - 1 + z[1])] = 1 fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) var_names = range(N) order = range(N) # list of all strengths for color map all_strengths = [] # Add attributes, contemporaneous and lagged links are handled separately for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True): if u != v: if tsg[u, v] and tsg[v, u]: dic["inner_edge"] = True dic["outer_edge"] = False else: dic["inner_edge"] = False dic["outer_edge"] = True dic["inner_edge_alpha"] = alpha dic["inner_edge_color"] = tsg[u, v] dic["inner_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth dic["inner_edge_attribute"] = dic["outer_edge_attribute"] = None all_strengths.append(dic["inner_edge_color"]) dic["outer_edge_alpha"] = alpha dic["outer_edge_width"] = dic["inner_edge_width"] = arrow_linewidth # value at argmax of average dic["outer_edge_color"] = tsg[u, v] all_strengths.append(dic["outer_edge_color"]) dic["label"] = None # If no links are present, set value to zero if len(all_strengths) == 0: all_strengths = [0.0] posarray = np.zeros((N * max_lag, 2)) for i in range(N * max_lag): posarray[i] = np.array([(i % max_lag), (1.0 - i // max_lag)]) pos_tmp = {} for i in range(N * max_lag): pos_tmp[i] = np.array( [ ((i % max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]) / (posarray.max(axis=0)[0] - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]), ((1.0 - i // max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[1]) / (posarray.max(axis=0)[1] - posarray.min(axis=0)[1]), ] ) pos_tmp[i][np.isnan(pos_tmp[i])] = 0.0 pos = {} for n in range(N): for tau in range(max_lag): pos[n * max_lag + tau] = pos_tmp[order[n] * max_lag + tau] node_rings = { 0: { "sizes": None, "color_array": node_color, "label": "", "colorbar": False, "cmap": listcmap, "vmin": 0, "vmax": len(color_list), } } node_labels = ["" for i in range(N * max_lag)] _draw_network_with_curved_edges( fig=fig, ax=ax, G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos, node_rings=node_rings, node_labels=node_labels, node_label_size=node_label_size, node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size, node_aspect=None, standard_cmap="OrRd", standard_color_links='black', standard_color_nodes='lightgrey', log_sizes=False, cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges, links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks, arrowstyle="simple", arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size, curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize, label_fraction=0.5, link_colorbar_label=link_colorbar_label, inner_edge_curved=True, # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound, inner_edge_style=inner_edge_style, ) for i in range(N): trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) ax.text( 0., pos[order[i] * max_lag][1], "%s" % str(var_names[order[i]]), fontsize=label_fontsize, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="center", transform=trans, ) for tau in np.arange(max_lag - 1, -1, -1): trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) if tau == max_lag - 1: ax.text( pos[tau][0], 1.0, #- label_space_top, r"$t$", fontsize=int(label_fontsize * 0.7), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=trans, ) else: ax.text( pos[tau][0], 1.0, # - label_space_top, r"$t-%s$" % str(max_lag - tau - 1), fontsize=int(label_fontsize * 0.7), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=trans, ) return fig, ax
[docs]def write_csv( graph, save_name, val_matrix=None, var_names=None, link_width=None, link_attribute=None, digits=5, ): """Writes all links in a graph to a csv file. Format is each link in a row as 'Variable i', 'Variable j', 'Time lag of i', 'Link type i --- j', with optional further columns for entries in [val_matrix link_attribute, link_width]. Parameters ---------- graph : string or bool array-like, optional (default: None) Either string matrix providing graph or bool array providing only adjacencies Must be of same shape as val_matrix. save_name : str Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window. val_matrix : array_like Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values. var_names : list, optional (default: None) List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used. link_width : array-like, optional (default: None) Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width. link_attribute : array-like, optional (default: None) String array of val_matrix.shape specifying link attributes. digits : int Number of significant digits for writing link value and width. """ graph = np.copy(graph.squeeze()) N = len(graph) if val_matrix is None: val_matrix_exists = false else: val_matrix_exists = True if graph.ndim == 4: raise ValueError("Time series graph of shape (N,N,tau_max+1,tau_max+1) cannot be represented by plot_graph," " use plot_time_series_graph instead.") if graph.ndim == 2: # If a non-time series (N,N)-graph is given, insert a dummy dimension graph = np.expand_dims(graph, axis = 2) (graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute) = _check_matrices( graph, val_matrix, link_width, link_attribute) if var_names is None: var_names = range(N) header = ['Variable i', 'Variable j', 'Time lag of i', 'Link type i --- j'] if val_matrix_exists: header.append('Link value') if link_attribute is not None: header.append('Link attribute') if link_width is not None: header.append('Link width') with open(save_name, 'w', encoding='UTF8', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) # write the header writer.writerow(header) # write the link data for (i, j, tau) in zip(*np.where(graph!='')): # Only consider contemporaneous links once if tau > 0 or i <= j: row = [str(var_names[i]), str(var_names[j]), f"{tau}", graph[i,j,tau]] if val_matrix_exists: row.append(f"{val_matrix[i,j,tau]:.{digits}}") if link_attribute is not None: row.append(link_attribute[i,j,tau]) if link_width is not None: row.append(f"{link_width[i,j,tau]:.{digits}}") writer.writerow(row)
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=6) matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=6) # Consider some toy data import tigramite import tigramite.toymodels.structural_causal_processes as toys import tigramite.data_processing as pp from tigramite.causal_effects import CausalEffects # T = 1000 def lin_f(x): return x # auto_coeff = 0.3 # coeff = 1. # links = { # 0: [((0, -1), auto_coeff, lin_f)], # 1: [((1, -1), auto_coeff, lin_f), ((0, 0), coeff, lin_f)], # 2: [((2, -1), auto_coeff, lin_f), ((1, 0), coeff, lin_f)], # } # data, nonstat = toys.structural_causal_process(links, T=T, # noises=None, seed=7) # dataframe = pp.DataFrame(data, var_names=range(len(links))) # links = { # 0: [((0, -1), 1.5*auto_coeff, lin_f)], # 1: [((1, -1), 1.5*auto_coeff, lin_f), ((0, 0), 1.5*coeff, lin_f)], # 2: [((2, -1), 1.5*auto_coeff, lin_f), ((1, 0), 1.5*coeff, lin_f)], # } # data2, nonstat = toys.structural_causal_process(links, T=T, # noises=None, seed=7) # dataframe2 = pp.DataFrame(data2, var_names=range(len(links))) # plot_densityplots(dataframe, name='test.pdf') # N = len(links) # parcorr = ParCorr(significance='analytic') # pcmci = PCMCI( # dataframe=dataframe, # cond_ind_test=parcorr, # verbosity=1) # correlations = pcmci.get_lagged_dependencies(tau_max=20, val_only=True)['val_matrix'] # lag_func_matrix = plot_lagfuncs(val_matrix=correlations, setup_args={'label_space_left':0.05, # 'x_base':5, 'y_base':.5}) # # N = len(links) # matrix = setup_density_matrix(N=N, var_names=dataframe.var_names) # matrix.add_densityplot(dataframe=dataframe, # # selected_dataset=0, # **{ # 'label':'Weak', # 'label_color':'blue', # "snskdeplot_args" : {'cmap':'Reds'}, # }), #{'cmap':'Blues', 'alpha':0.3}}) # matrix.add_densityplot(dataframe=dataframe2, selected_dataset=0, # **{'label':'Strong', # 'label_color':'red', # "snskdeplot_args" : {'cmap':'Blues', 'alpha':0.3}}) # matrix.adjustfig(name='test.pdf') # matrix = setup_scatter_matrix(N=dataframe.N, # var_names=dataframe.var_names) # matrix_lags = np.ones((3, 3)).astype('int') # matrix.add_scatterplot(dataframe=dataframe, matrix_lags=matrix_lags, # label='ones', alpha=0.4) # matrix_lags = 2*np.ones((3, 3)).astype('int') # matrix.add_scatterplot(dataframe=dataframe, matrix_lags=matrix_lags, # label='twos', color='red', alpha=0.4) # matrix.savefig(name='scattertest.pdf') # # sys.exit(0) # val_matrix = np.zeros((4, 4, 3)) # Complete test case graph = np.zeros((3,3,2), dtype='<U3') val_matrix = 0.*np.random.rand(*graph.shape) val_matrix[:,:,0] = 0.2 graph[:] = "" # graph[0, 1, 0] = "<-+" # graph[1, 0, 0] = "+->" graph[0, 0, 1] = "-->" graph[1, 1, 1] = "-->" graph[0, 1, 1] = "+->" # graph[1, 0, 1] = "o-o" # graph[1, 2, 0] = "<->" # graph[2, 1, 0] = "<->" # graph[0, 2, 0] = "x-x" # graph[2, 0, 0] = "x-x" nolinks = np.zeros(graph.shape) # nolinks[range(4), range(4), 1] = 1 # graph = graph[:2, :2, :] # fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6, 5)) # import as ccrs graph = np.ones((5, 5, 2), dtype='<U3') graph[:] = "" graph[3, :, 1] = '+->' # fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) # fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.Mollweide()) # make the map global rather than have it zoom in to # the extents of any plotted data # ax.set_global() # ax.stock_img() # ax.coastlines() # # ymax = 1. # node_pos = {'x':np.linspace(0, ymax, graph.shape[0]), 'y':np.linspace(0, ymax, graph.shape[0]),} # node_pos = {'x':np.array([10,-20,80,-50,80]), # 'y':np.array([-10,70,60,-40,50]), # 'transform':ccrs.PlateCarree(), # t.PlateCarree() # } plot_time_series_graph(graph=graph, # fig_ax = (fig, ax), # val_matrix=val_matrix, # figsize=(5, 5), # var_names = ['Var %s' %i for i in range(len(graph))], # arrow_linewidth=6, # label_space_left = label_space_left, # label_space_top = label_space_top, # # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound, save_name="tsg_test.pdf" ) pyplot.tight_layout() # network_lower_bound = 0. # show_colorbar=True # plot_graph(graph=graph, # fig_ax = (fig, ax), # node_pos = node_pos, # node_size = 20, # # val_matrix=val_matrix, # # figsize=(5, 5), # # var_names = ['Var %s' %i for i in range(len(graph))], # # arrow_linewidth=6, # # label_space_left = label_space_left, # # label_space_top = label_space_top, # # # network_lower_bound=network_lower_bound, # save_name="tsg_test.pdf" # ) # pyplot.tight_layout() # axes[0,0].scatter(np.random.rand(100), np.random.rand(100)) # plot_graph(graph=graph, # fig_ax = (fig, axes[0,0]), # val_matrix=val_matrix, # # figsize=(5, 5), # var_names = ['Variable %s' %i for i in range(len(graph))], # arrow_linewidth=6, # # label_space_left = label_space_left, # # label_space_top = label_space_top, # # save_name="tsg_test.pdf" # ) # plot_graph(graph=graph, # fig_ax = (fig, axes[0,1]), # val_matrix=val_matrix, # var_names = ['Var %s' %i for i in range(len(graph))], # arrow_linewidth=6, # # label_space_left = label_space_left, # # label_space_top = label_space_top, # ) # plot_graph(graph=graph, # fig_ax = (fig, axes[1,0]), # val_matrix=val_matrix, # var_names = ['Var %s' %i for i in range(len(graph))], # arrow_linewidth=6, # # label_space_left = label_space_left, # # label_space_top = label_space_top, # ) # plot_graph(graph=graph, # fig_ax = (fig, axes[1,1]), # val_matrix=val_matrix, # var_names = ['Var %s' %i for i in range(len(graph))], # arrow_linewidth=6, # n # # label_space_left = label_space_left, # # label_space_top = label_space_top, # ) # # pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.2) # pyplot.tight_layout() # pyplot.savefig("test.pdf") # def lin_f(x): return x # links_coeffs = {0: [((0, -1), 0.3, lin_f)], #, ((1, -1), 0.5, lin_f)], # 1: [((1, -1), 0.3, lin_f), ((0, 0), 0.7, lin_f), ((2, -1), 0.5, lin_f)], # 2: [], # 3: [((3, -1), 0., lin_f), ((2, 0), 0.6, lin_f),] # } # graph = CausalEffects.get_graph_from_dict(links_coeffs, tau_max=None) # val_matrix = np.random.randn(*graph.shape) # val_matrix[:,:,0] = 0. # write_csv(graph=graph, # val_matrix=val_matrix, # var_names=[r'$X^{%d}$' %i for i in range(graph.shape[0])], # link_width=np.ones(graph.shape), # link_attribute = np.ones(graph.shape, dtype='<U10'), # save_name='test.csv') # # print(graph) # X = [(0,-1)] # Y = [(1,0)] # causal_effects = CausalEffects(graph, graph_type='stationary_dag', X=X, Y=Y, S=None, # hidden_variables=[(2, 0), (2, -1), (2, -2)], # verbosity=0) #