Source code for tigramite.jpcmciplus

"""Tigramite causal discovery for time series."""

# Authors: Wiebke Günther <>, Urmi Ninad, Jakob Runge <>
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tigramite.pcmci import PCMCI
from copy import deepcopy
import itertools

from tigramite.toymodels.context_model import _group_links

[docs]class JPCMCIplus(PCMCI): r"""J-PCMCIplus causal discovery for time series datasets from multiple contexts. This class is based on the PCMCI framework as described in [1]. JPCMCIplus enables causal discovery for time series data from different contexts, i.e. datasets, where some of the variables describing the context might be unobserved. The method is described in detail in [10]. See the tutorial for guidance in applying the method. References ---------- .. [1] J. Runge, P. Nowack, M. Kretschmer, S. Flaxman, D. Sejdinovic, Detecting and quantifying causal associations in large nonlinear time series datasets. Sci. Adv. 5, eaau4996 (2019) .. [10] W. Günther, U. Ninad, J. Runge, Causal discovery for time series from multiple datasets with latent contexts. UAI 2023 Parameters ---------- node_classification : dictionary Classification of nodes into system, context, or dummy nodes. Keys of the dictionary are from {0, ..., N-1} where N is the number of nodes. Options for the values are "system", "time_context", "space_context", "time_dummy", or "space_dummy". Attributes ---------- all_parents : dictionary Dictionary of form {0:[(0, -1), (3, -2), ...], 1:[], ...} containing the conditioning-parents estimated with PC algorithm. val_min : dictionary Dictionary of form val_min[j][(i, -tau)] = float containing the minimum test statistic value for each link estimated in the PC algorithm. pval_max : dictionary Dictionary of form pval_max[j][(i, -tau)] = float containing the maximum p-value for each link estimated in the PC algorithm. iterations : dictionary Dictionary containing further information on algorithm steps. N : int Number of variables. T : dict Time series sample length of dataset(s). dummy_parents : dictionary or None Dictionary of form {0:[(0, -1), (3, -2), ...], 1:[], ...} containing the dependence of the system nodes on the dummy nodes. observed_context_parents : dictionary or None Dictionary of form {0:[(0, -1), (3, -2), ...], 1:[], ...} containing the dependence of the system nodes on the observed context nodes. dummy_ci_test : conditional independence test object Conditional independence test used to test dependence between system nodes and dummy nodes. Currently, ParCorr is used with one-hot encoded dummies. mode : "system_search" or "context_search" or "dummy_search" (default: "system_search") time_context_nodes : list List with entries from {0, ..., N-1} where N is the number of nodes. This is the list of the temporal context nodes which are assumed to be constant over the different datasets. space_context_nodes : List with entries from {0, ..., N-1} where N is the number of nodes. This is the list of the spatial context nodes which are assumed to be constant over time. time_dummy : int or None (default: None) Node corresponding to the temporal dummy variable. space_dummy : int or None (default: None) Node corresponding to the spatial dummy variable. system_nodes : list List with entries from {0, ..., N-1} where N is the number of nodes. This is the list of the system nodes. """ def __init__(self, node_classification, **kwargs): # Init base class PCMCI.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.system_nodes = self.group_nodes(node_classification, "system") self.time_context_nodes = self.group_nodes(node_classification, "time_context") self.space_context_nodes = self.group_nodes(node_classification, "space_context") self.time_dummy = self.group_nodes(node_classification, "time_dummy") self.space_dummy = self.group_nodes(node_classification, "space_dummy") self.dummy_parents = {i: [] for i in range(self.N)} self.observed_context_parents = {i: [] for i in range(self.N)} self.mode = "system_search" def group_nodes(self, node_types, node_type): nodes = range(self.N) return [node for node in nodes if node_types[node] == node_type]
[docs] def run_jpcmciplus(self, contemp_collider_rule='majority', link_assumptions=None, tau_min=0, tau_max=2, pc_alpha=0.01, conflict_resolution=True, reset_lagged_links=False, max_conds_dim=None, max_combinations=1, max_conds_py=None, max_conds_px=None, max_conds_px_lagged=None, fdr_method='none'): """ Runs JPCMCIplus time-lagged and contemporaneous causal discovery for time series from multiple contexts. Method described in [10]: W. Günther, U. Ninad, J. Runge, Causal discovery for time series from multiple datasets with latent contexts. UAI 2023 Notes ----- The JPCMCIplus causal discovery method is described in [10], where also analytical and numerical results are presented. JPCMCIplus can identify the joint causal graph over multiple datasets containing time series data from different contexts under the standard assumptions of Causal Sufficiency, Faithfulness and the Markov condition, as well as some background knowledge assumptions. JPCMCIplus estimates time-lagged and contemporaneous causal links from context to system variables and in between system variables by a four-step procedure: 1. **Discovery of supersets of the lagged parents of the system and observed temporal context nodes** by running the :math:`PC_1` lagged phase on this subset of nodes to obtain :math:`\\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^-_t(X_t^j)`. 2. Next, the **MCI test is run on pairs of system and context nodes conditional on subsets of system and context**, i.e. perform MCI tests for pairs :math:`((C^j_{t-\\tau}, X^i_t))_{\\tau > 0}`, :math:`(C_t^j, X_t^i)`, :math:`(X_t^i, C_t^j)` for all :math:`i,j`, .. math:: C_{t-\\tau}^i \\perp X_t^j | \\mathbf{S}, \\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^-_t(X_t^j) \\setminus \\{ C_{t-\\tau}^i \\}, \\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^-_{t-\\tau}(C_{t-\\tau}^i) with :math:`\\mathbf{S}` being a subset of the contemporaneous adjacencies :math:`\\mathcal{A}_t(X_t^j)` and :math:`\\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^-_t(X_t^j)` are the lagged adjacencies from step one. If :math:`C` is a spatial context variable, we only have to test the contemporaneous pairs :math:`(C_t^j, X_t^i)`, :math:`(X_t^i, C_t^j)` for all :math:`i,j`. If :math:`C_t^j` and :math:`X_t^i` are conditionally independent, all lagged links between :math:`C_t^j` and :math:`X^j_{t-\\tau}` are also removed for all :math:`\\tau`. 3. **Perform MCI tests on all system-dummy pairs conditional on the superset of lagged links, the discovered contemporaneous context adjacencies, as well as on subsets of contemporaneous system links**, i.e. test for :math:`(D, X_t^i)`, :math:`(X_t^i, D)` for all :math:`i`, i.e. .. math:: D \\perp X_t^j | \\mathbf{S}, \\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^C_t(X_t^j), where :math:`\\mathbf{S} \\subset \\mathcal{A}_t(X_t^i)` and :math:`\\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^C_t(X_t^j)` are the lagged and contextual adjacencies found in the previous step. If :math:`D` and :math:`X_t^j` are found to be conditionally independence, links between :math:`D` and :math:`X^j_{t-\\tau}` are removed for all :math:`\\tau`. By assumption context node is the parent in all system-context links. 4. Finally, we **perform MCI tests on all system pairs conditional on discovered lagged, context and dummy adjacencies, as well as on subsets of contemporaneous system links** and **orientation phase**. In more detail, we perform MCI test for pairs :math:`((X^j_{t-\\tau}, X_t^i))_{\\tau > 0}`, :math:`(X_t^i, X_t^j)` for all :math:`i, j`, i.e. .. math:: X^i_{t-\\tau} \\perp X_t^j | \\mathbf{S}, \\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^{CD}_t(X_t^j) \\setminus \\{ X_{t-\\tau}^i \\},\\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^{CD}_t(X_{t-\\tau}^i) where :math:`\\mathbf{S} \\subset \\mathcal{A}_t(X_t^i)` and :math:`\\hat{\\mathcal{B}}^{CD}_t(X_t^j)` are the lagged, contextual, and dummy adjacencies found in the previous steps. Finally, all remaining edges (without expert knowledge) are oriented using the PCMCI+ orientation phase while making use of all triples involving one context or dummy variable and two system variables as in the non-time series case. JPCMCIplus can be flexibly combined with any kind of conditional independence test statistic adapted to the kind of data (continuous or discrete) and its assumed dependency types. These are available in ``tigramite.independence_tests``. See PCMCIplus for a description of the parameters of JPCMCIplus. Also, guidance on best practices for setting these parameters is given there. Parameters ---------- link_assumptions : dict Dictionary of form {j:{(i, -tau): link_type, ...}, ...} specifying assumptions about links. This initializes the graph with entries graph[i,j,tau] = link_type. For example, graph[i,j,0] = '-->' implies that a directed link from i to j at lag 0 must exist. Valid link types are 'o-o', '-->', '<--'. In addition, the middle mark can be '?' instead of '-'. Then '-?>' implies that this link may not exist, but if it exists, its orientation is '-->'. Link assumptions need to be consistent, i.e., graph[i,j,0] = '-->' requires graph[j,i,0] = '<--' and acyclicity must hold. If a link does not appear in the dictionary, it is assumed absent. That is, if link_assumptions is not None, then all links have to be specified or the links are assumed absent. tau_min : int, optional (default: 0) Minimum time lag to test. tau_max : int, optional (default: 1) Maximum time lag. Must be larger or equal to tau_min. pc_alpha : float or list of floats, default: 0.01 Significance level in algorithm. If a list or None is passed, the pc_alpha level is optimized for every graph across the given pc_alpha values ([0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05] for None) using the score computed in cond_ind_test.get_model_selection_criterion(). contemp_collider_rule : {'majority', 'conservative', 'none'} Rule for collider phase to use. See the paper for details. Only 'majority' and 'conservative' lead to an order-independent algorithm. conflict_resolution : bool, optional (default: True) Whether to mark conflicts in orientation rules. Only for True this leads to an order-independent algorithm. reset_lagged_links : bool, optional (default: False) Restricts the detection of lagged causal links in Step 2 to the significant adjacencies found in the PC1 algorithm in Step 1. For True, *all* lagged links are considered again, which improves detection power for lagged links, but also leads to larger runtimes. max_conds_dim : int, optional (default: None) Maximum number of conditions to test. If None is passed, this number is unrestricted. max_combinations : int, optional (default: 1) Maximum number of combinations of conditions of current cardinality to test. Defaults to 1 for PC_1 algorithm. For original PC algorithm a larger number, such as 10, can be used. max_conds_py : int, optional (default: None) Maximum number of lagged conditions of Y to use in MCI tests. If None is passed, this number is unrestricted. max_conds_px : int, optional (default: None) Maximum number of lagged conditions of X to use in MCI tests. If None is passed, this number is unrestricted. max_conds_px_lagged : int, optional (default: None) Maximum number of lagged conditions of X when X is lagged in MCI tests. If None is passed, this number is equal to max_conds_px. fdr_method : str, optional (default: 'none') Correction method, default is Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate method. Returns ------- graph : array of shape [N, N, tau_max+1] Resulting causal graph, see description above for interpretation. val_matrix : array of shape [N, N, tau_max+1] Estimated matrix of test statistic values regarding adjacencies. p_matrix : array of shape [N, N, tau_max+1] Estimated matrix of p-values regarding adjacencies. sepset : dictionary Separating sets. See paper for details. ambiguous_triples : list List of ambiguous triples, only relevant for 'majority' and 'conservative' rules, see paper for details. """ observed_context_nodes = self.time_context_nodes + self.space_context_nodes # initialize / clean link_assumptions if link_assumptions is not None: _link_assumptions = deepcopy(link_assumptions) else: _link_assumptions = self._set_link_assumptions(link_assumptions, tau_min, tau_max, remove_contemp=False) # {j: {(i, -tau): ("-?>" if tau > 0 else "o?o") for i in range(self.N) # for tau in range(tau_max + 1)} for j in range(self.N)} _link_assumptions = self.assume_exogenous_context(_link_assumptions, observed_context_nodes) _link_assumptions = self.clean_link_assumptions(_link_assumptions, tau_max) # for j in _link_assumptions: # print(j, _link_assumptions[j]) # self._set_link_assumptions(_link_assumptions, tau_min, tau_max, # remove_contemp=False) # Check if pc_alpha is chosen to optimize over a list if pc_alpha is None or isinstance(pc_alpha, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): # Call optimizer wrapper around run_pcmciplus() return self._optimize_pcmciplus_alpha( link_assumptions=link_assumptions, tau_min=tau_min, tau_max=tau_max, pc_alpha=pc_alpha, contemp_collider_rule=contemp_collider_rule, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, reset_lagged_links=reset_lagged_links, max_conds_dim=max_conds_dim, max_combinations=max_combinations, max_conds_py=max_conds_py, max_conds_px=max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged=max_conds_px_lagged, fdr_method=fdr_method) elif pc_alpha < 0. or pc_alpha > 1: raise ValueError("Choose 0 <= pc_alpha <= 1") # Check the limits on tau self._check_tau_limits(tau_min, tau_max) # Step 0 and 1: context_results = self.discover_lagged_context_system_links( _link_assumptions, tau_min=tau_min, tau_max=tau_max, pc_alpha=pc_alpha, reset_lagged_links=reset_lagged_links, max_conds_dim=max_conds_dim, max_combinations=max_combinations, max_conds_py=max_conds_py, max_conds_px=max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged=max_conds_px_lagged, fdr_method=fdr_method ) ctxt_res = deepcopy(context_results) # Store the parents in the pcmci member self.observed_context_parents = deepcopy(context_results['parents']) self.all_lagged_parents = deepcopy( context_results['lagged_parents']) # remove context nodes from lagged parents self.all_lagged_parents = {i: [el for el in self.all_lagged_parents[i] if el[0] not in self.time_context_nodes] for i in range(self.N)} # if self.verbosity > 0: # print("\nDiscovered observed context parents: ", context_results['parents']) if len(self.time_dummy) > 0 or len(self.space_dummy) > 0: # step 2: dummy_system_results = self.discover_dummy_system_links( _link_assumptions, ctxt_res, self.all_lagged_parents, tau_min=tau_min, tau_max=tau_max, pc_alpha=pc_alpha, reset_lagged_links=reset_lagged_links, max_conds_dim=max_conds_dim, max_conds_py=max_conds_py, max_conds_px=max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged=max_conds_px_lagged, fdr_method=fdr_method ) # Store the parents in the pcmci member self.dummy_parents = dummy_system_results['parents'] else: dummy_system_results = deepcopy(context_results) # if self.verbosity > 0: # print("Discovered dummy parents: ", self.dummy_parents) # step 3: self.mode = "system_search" lagged_context_dummy_parents = { i: list( dict.fromkeys(self.all_lagged_parents[i] + self.observed_context_parents[i] + self.dummy_parents[i])) for i in self.system_nodes} # we only care about the parents of system nodes lagged_context_dummy_parents.update( {i: [] for i in observed_context_nodes + self.time_dummy + self.space_dummy}) dummy_system_results_copy = deepcopy(dummy_system_results) # step 4: system_skeleton_results = self.discover_system_system_links(link_assumptions=_link_assumptions, lagged_context_dummy_parents=lagged_context_dummy_parents, tau_min=tau_min, tau_max=tau_max, pc_alpha=pc_alpha, reset_lagged_links=reset_lagged_links, max_conds_dim=max_conds_dim, max_conds_py=max_conds_py, max_conds_px=max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged=max_conds_px_lagged, fdr_method=fdr_method) # orientation phase colliders_step_results = self._pcmciplus_collider_phase( system_skeleton_results['graph'], system_skeleton_results['sepsets'], lagged_context_dummy_parents, pc_alpha, tau_min, tau_max, max_conds_py, max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged, conflict_resolution, contemp_collider_rule) final_graph = self._pcmciplus_rule_orientation_phase(colliders_step_results['graph'], colliders_step_results['ambiguous_triples'], conflict_resolution) # add context-system and dummy-system values and pvalues back in (lost because of link_assumption) for c in observed_context_nodes + self.time_dummy + self.space_dummy: for j in range(self.N): for lag in range(tau_max + 1): # add context-system links to results system_skeleton_results['val_matrix'][c, j, lag] = dummy_system_results_copy['val_matrix'][ c, j, lag] system_skeleton_results['val_matrix'][j, c, lag] = dummy_system_results_copy['val_matrix'][ j, c, lag] system_skeleton_results['p_matrix'][c, j, lag] = dummy_system_results_copy['p_matrix'][c, j, lag] system_skeleton_results['p_matrix'][j, c, lag] = dummy_system_results_copy['p_matrix'][j, c, lag] # No confidence interval estimation here return_dict = {'graph': final_graph, 'p_matrix': system_skeleton_results['p_matrix'], 'val_matrix': system_skeleton_results['val_matrix'], 'sepsets': colliders_step_results['sepsets'], 'ambiguous_triples': colliders_step_results['ambiguous_triples'], 'conf_matrix': None} # Print the results if self.verbosity > 0: self.print_results(return_dict, alpha_level=pc_alpha) # Return the dictionary self.results = return_dict # Return the dictionary return return_dict
[docs] def assume_exogenous_context(self, link_assumptions, observed_context_nodes): """Helper function to amend the link_assumptions to ensure that all context-system links are oriented such that the context variable is the parent.""" for j in link_assumptions: if j in self.system_nodes: for link in link_assumptions[j]: i, lag = link if i in observed_context_nodes + self.time_dummy + self.space_dummy: # is context var link_type = link_assumptions[j][link] link_assumptions[j][link] = '-' + link_type[1] + '>' return link_assumptions
def _remaining_pairs(self, graph, adjt, tau_min, tau_max, p): """Helper function returning the remaining pairs that still need to be tested depending on the JPCMCIplus step, i.e. discovery of context-system links (step 1), dummy-context links (step 2) or system-system links in which case the function of the parent class is called. """ all_context_nodes = self.time_context_nodes + self.space_context_nodes if self.mode == "context_search": # during discovery of context-system links we are only # interested in context-context and context-system pairs N = graph.shape[0] pairs = [] for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(N), range(N)): for abstau in range(tau_min, tau_max + 1): if (graph[i, j, abstau] != "" and len( [a for a in adjt[j] if a != (i, -abstau)]) >= p and i in all_context_nodes): pairs.append((i, j, abstau)) return pairs elif self.mode == "dummy_search": # during discovery of dummy-system links we are only # interested in dummy-system pairs N = graph.shape[0] pairs = [] for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(N), range(N)): for abstau in range(tau_min, tau_max + 1): if (graph[i, j, abstau] != "" and len( [a for a in adjt[j] if a != (i, -abstau)]) >= p and i in self.time_dummy + self.space_dummy): pairs.append((i, j, abstau)) return pairs else: return super()._remaining_pairs(graph, adjt, tau_min, tau_max, p) def _run_pcalg_test(self, graph, i, abstau, j, S, lagged_parents, max_conds_py, max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged, tau_max, alpha_or_thres=None): """MCI conditional independence tests within PCMCIplus or PC algorithm. Depending on the JPCMCIplus step the setup is adapted slightly. During the discovery of dummy-system links (step 2) we are using the dummy_ci_test and condition on the parents found during step 1; during the discovery of system-system links (step 3) we are conditioning on the found contextual parents. Parameters ---------- graph : array ... i : int Variable index. abstau : int Time lag (absolute value). j : int Variable index. S : list List of contemporaneous conditions. lagged_parents : dictionary of lists Dictionary of lagged parents for each node. max_conds_py : int Max number of lagged parents for node j. max_conds_px : int Max number of lagged parents for lagged node i. max_conds_px_lagged : int Maximum number of lagged conditions of X when X is lagged in MCI tests. If None is passed, this number is equal to max_conds_px. tau_max : int Maximum time lag. Returns ------- val : float Test statistic value. pval : float Test statistic p-value. Z : list List of conditions. """ if self.mode == 'dummy_search': # during discovery of dummy-system links we condition on the found contextual parents from step 1. cond = list(S) + self.observed_context_parents[j] cond = list(dict.fromkeys(cond)) # remove overlapps return super()._run_pcalg_test(graph, i, abstau, j, cond, lagged_parents, max_conds_py, max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged, tau_max, alpha_or_thres) elif self.mode == 'system_search': # during discovery of system-system links we are conditioning on the found contextual parents cond = list(S) + self.dummy_parents[j] + self.observed_context_parents[j] cond = list(dict.fromkeys(cond)) # remove overlapps return super()._run_pcalg_test(graph, i, abstau, j, cond, lagged_parents, max_conds_py, max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged, tau_max, alpha_or_thres) else: return super()._run_pcalg_test(graph, i, abstau, j, S, lagged_parents, max_conds_py, max_conds_px, max_conds_px_lagged, tau_max, alpha_or_thres)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Imports from numpy.random import SeedSequence, default_rng import tigramite from tigramite.toymodels import structural_causal_processes as toys from tigramite.toymodels.context_model import ContextModel # from tigramite.jpcmciplus import JPCMCIplus from tigramite.independence_tests.parcorr_mult import ParCorrMult import tigramite.data_processing as pp import tigramite.plotting as tp # Set seeds for reproducibility ss = SeedSequence(12345) child_seeds = ss.spawn(2) model_seed = child_seeds[0] context_seed = child_seeds[1] random_state = np.random.default_rng(model_seed) # Choose the time series length and number of spatial contexts T = 100 nb_domains = 50 transient_fraction=0.2 tau_max = 2 frac_observed = 0.5 # Specify the model def lin(x): return x links = {0: [((0, -1), 0.3, lin), ((3, -1), 0.7, lin), ((4, 0), 0.9, lin)], 1: [((1, -1), 0.4, lin), ((3, -1), 0.8, lin)], 2: [((2, -1), 0.3, lin), ((1, 0), -0.5, lin), ((4, 0), 0.5, lin), ((5, 0), 0.6, lin)] , 3: [], 4: [], 5: [] } # Specify which node is a context node via node_type (can be "system", "time_context", or "space_context") node_classification = { 0: "system", 1: "system", 2: "system", 3: "time_context", 4: "time_context", 5: "space_context" } # Specify dynamical noise term distributions, here unit variance Gaussians #random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed) noises = [random_state.standard_normal for j in range(6)] contextmodel = ContextModel(links=links, node_classification=node_classification, noises=noises, seed=context_seed) data_ens, nonstationary = contextmodel.generate_data(nb_domains, T) assert not nonstationary system_indices = [0,1,2] # decide which context variables should be latent, and which are observed observed_indices_time = [4] latent_indices_time = [3] observed_indices_space = [5] latent_indices_space = [] # all system variables are also observed, thus we get the following observed data observed_indices = system_indices + observed_indices_time + observed_indices_space data_observed = {key: data_ens[key][:,observed_indices] for key in data_ens} # Add one-hot-encoding of time-steps and dataset index to the observational data. # These are the values of the time and space dummy variables. dummy_data_time = np.identity(T) data_dict = {} for i in range(nb_domains): dummy_data_space = np.zeros((T, nb_domains)) dummy_data_space[:, i] = 1. data_dict[i] = np.hstack((data_observed[i], dummy_data_time, dummy_data_space)) # Define vector-valued variables including dummy variables as well as observed (system and context) variables nb_observed_context_nodes = len(observed_indices_time) + len(observed_indices_space) N = len(system_indices) process_vars = system_indices observed_temporal_context_nodes = list(range(N, N + len(observed_indices_time))) observed_spatial_context_nodes = list(range(N + len(observed_indices_time), N + len(observed_indices_time) + len(observed_indices_space))) time_dummy_index = N + nb_observed_context_nodes space_dummy_index = N + nb_observed_context_nodes + 1 time_dummy = list(range(time_dummy_index, time_dummy_index + T)) space_dummy = list(range(time_dummy_index + T, time_dummy_index + T + nb_domains)) vector_vars = {i: [(i, 0)] for i in process_vars + observed_temporal_context_nodes + observed_spatial_context_nodes} vector_vars[time_dummy_index] = [(i, 0) for i in time_dummy] vector_vars[space_dummy_index] = [(i, 0) for i in space_dummy] # Name all the variables and initialize the dataframe object # Be careful to use analysis_mode = 'multiple' sys_var_names = ['X_' + str(i) for i in process_vars] context_var_names = ['t-C_'+str(i) for i in observed_indices_time] + ['s-C_'+str(i) for i in observed_indices_space] var_names = sys_var_names + context_var_names + ['t-dummy', 's-dummy'] dataframe = pp.DataFrame( data=data_dict, vector_vars = vector_vars, analysis_mode = 'multiple', var_names = var_names ) # Classify all the nodes into system, context, or dummy node_classification_jpcmci = {i: node_classification[var] for i, var in enumerate(observed_indices)} node_classification_jpcmci.update({time_dummy_index : "time_dummy", space_dummy_index : "space_dummy"}) # Create a J-PCMCI+ object, passing the dataframe and (conditional) # independence test objects, as well as the observed temporal and spatial context nodes # and the indices of the dummies. JPCMCIplus = JPCMCIplus(dataframe=dataframe, cond_ind_test=ParCorrMult(significance='analytic'), node_classification=node_classification_jpcmci, verbosity=1,) # Define the analysis parameters. tau_max = 2 pc_alpha = 0.01 # Run J-PCMCI+ results = JPCMCIplus.run_jpcmciplus(tau_min=0, tau_max=tau_max, pc_alpha=pc_alpha)