"""Tigramite causal discovery for time series."""
# Author: Jakob Runge <jakob@jakob-runge.com>
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import warnings
import math
import abc
import numpy as np
import six
from hashlib import sha1
class CondIndTest():
"""Base class of conditional independence tests.
Provides useful general functions for different independence tests such as
shuffle significance testing and bootstrap confidence estimation. Also
handles masked samples. Other test classes can inherit from this class.
seed : int, optional(default = 42)
Seed for RandomState (default_rng)
mask_type : str, optional (default = None)
Must be in {None, 'y','x','z','xy','xz','yz','xyz'}
Masking mode: Indicators for which variables in the dependence measure
I(X; Y | Z) the samples should be masked. If None, the mask is not used.
Explained in tutorial on masking and missing values.
significance : str, optional (default: 'analytic')
Type of significance test to use. In this package 'analytic',
'fixed_thres' and 'shuffle_test' are available.
fixed_thres : float, optional (default: 0.1)
sig_samples : int, optional (default: 500)
Number of samples for shuffle significance test.
sig_blocklength : int, optional (default: None)
Block length for block-shuffle significance test. If None, the
block length is determined from the decay of the autocovariance as
explained in [1]_.
confidence : str, optional (default: None)
Specify type of confidence estimation. If False, numpy.nan is returned.
'bootstrap' can be used with any test, for ParCorr also 'analytic' is
conf_lev : float, optional (default: 0.9)
Two-sided confidence interval.
conf_samples : int, optional (default: 100)
Number of samples for bootstrap.
conf_blocklength : int, optional (default: None)
Block length for block-bootstrap. If None, the block length is
determined from the decay of the autocovariance as explained in [1]_.
recycle_residuals : bool, optional (default: False)
Specifies whether residuals should be stored. This may be faster, but
can cost considerable memory.
verbosity : int, optional (default: 0)
Level of verbosity.
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def get_dependence_measure(self, array, xyz):
Abstract function that all concrete classes must instantiate.
def measure(self):
Abstract property to store the type of independence test.
def __init__(self,
# Set the dataframe to None for now, will be reset during pcmci call
self.dataframe = None
# Set the options
self.random_state = np.random.default_rng(seed)
self.significance = significance
self.sig_samples = sig_samples
self.sig_blocklength = sig_blocklength
if fixed_thres is not None:
raise ValueError("fixed_thres is replaced by providing alpha_or_thres in run_test")
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.cached_ci_results = {}
self.ci_results = {}
# If we recycle residuals, then set up a residual cache
self.recycle_residuals = recycle_residuals
if self.recycle_residuals:
self.residuals = {}
# If we use a mask, we cannot recycle residuals
# Set the confidence type and details
self.confidence = confidence
self.conf_lev = conf_lev
self.conf_samples = conf_samples
self.conf_blocklength = conf_blocklength
# Print information about the
if self.verbosity > 0:
[docs] def set_mask_type(self, mask_type):
Setter for mask type to ensure that this option does not clash with
mask_type : str
Must be in {None, 'y','x','z','xy','xz','yz','xyz'}
Masking mode: Indicators for which variables in the dependence measure
I(X; Y | Z) the samples should be masked. If None, the mask is not used.
Explained in tutorial on masking and missing values.
# Set the mask type
self.mask_type = mask_type
# Check if this clashes with residual recycling
if self.mask_type is not None:
if self.recycle_residuals is True:
warnings.warn("Using a mask disables recycling residuals.")
self.recycle_residuals = False
# Check the mask type is keyed correctly
[docs] def print_info(self):
Print information about the conditional independence test parameters
info_str = "\n# Initialize conditional independence test\n\nParameters:"
info_str += "\nindependence test = %s" % self.measure
info_str += "\nsignificance = %s" % self.significance
# Check if we are using a shuffle test
if self.significance == 'shuffle_test':
info_str += "\nsig_samples = %s" % self.sig_samples
info_str += "\nsig_blocklength = %s" % self.sig_blocklength
# # Check if we are using a fixed threshold
# elif self.significance == 'fixed_thres':
# info_str += "\nfixed_thres = %s" % self.fixed_thres
# Check if we have a confidence type
if self.confidence:
info_str += "\nconfidence = %s" % self.confidence
info_str += "\nconf_lev = %s" % self.conf_lev
# Check if this confidence type is boostrapping
if self.confidence == 'bootstrap':
info_str += "\nconf_samples = %s" % self.conf_samples
info_str += "\nconf_blocklength = %s" %self.conf_blocklength
# Check if we use a non-trivial mask type
if self.mask_type is not None:
info_str += "\nmask_type = %s" % self.mask_type
# Check if we are recycling residuals or not
if self.recycle_residuals:
info_str += "\nrecycle_residuals = %s" % self.recycle_residuals
# Print the information string
def _check_mask_type(self):
mask_type : str, optional (default = None)
Must be in {None, 'y','x','z','xy','xz','yz','xyz'}
Masking mode: Indicators for which variables in the dependence measure
I(X; Y | Z) the samples should be masked. If None, the mask is not used.
Explained in tutorial on masking and missing values.
if self.mask_type is not None:
mask_set = set(self.mask_type) - set(['x', 'y', 'z'])
if mask_set:
err_msg = "mask_type = %s," % self.mask_type + " but must be" +\
" list containing 'x','y','z', or any combination"
raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] def get_analytic_confidence(self, value, df, conf_lev):
Base class assumption that this is not implemented. Concrete classes
should override when possible.
raise NotImplementedError("Analytic confidence not"+\
" implemented for %s" % self.measure)
[docs] def get_model_selection_criterion(self, j, parents, tau_max=0):
Base class assumption that this is not implemented. Concrete classes
should override when possible.
raise NotImplementedError("Model selection not"+\
" implemented for %s" % self.measure)
[docs] def get_analytic_significance(self, value, T, dim):
Base class assumption that this is not implemented. Concrete classes
should override when possible.
raise NotImplementedError("Analytic significance not"+\
" implemented for %s" % self.measure)
[docs] def get_shuffle_significance(self, array, xyz, value,
Base class assumption that this is not implemented. Concrete classes
should override when possible.
raise NotImplementedError("Shuffle significance not"+\
" implemented for %s" % self.measure)
def _get_single_residuals(self, array, target_var,
standardize=True, return_means=False):
Base class assumption that this is not implemented. Concrete classes
should override when possible.
raise NotImplementedError("Residual calculation not"+\
" implemented for %s" % self.measure)
[docs] def set_dataframe(self, dataframe):
"""Initialize and check the dataframe.
dataframe : data object
Set tigramite dataframe object. It must have the attributes
dataframe.values yielding a numpy array of shape (observations T,
variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape and a missing
values flag.
self.dataframe = dataframe
if self.mask_type is not None:
if dataframe.mask is None:
raise ValueError("mask_type is not None, but no mask in dataframe.")
def _keyfy(self, x, z):
"""Helper function to make lists unique."""
return (tuple(set(x)), tuple(set(z)))
def _get_array(self, X, Y, Z, tau_max=0, cut_off='2xtau_max',
"""Convencience wrapper around construct_array."""
if self.measure in ['par_corr', 'par_corr_wls', 'robust_par_corr', 'regressionCI',
'gsquared', 'gp_dc']:
if len(X) > 1 or len(Y) > 1:
raise ValueError("X and Y for %s must be univariate." %
# Call the wrapped function
array, xyz, XYZ, type_array = self.dataframe.construct_array(X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z,
if remove_constant_data:
zero_components = np.where(array.std(axis=1)==0.)[0]
X, Y, Z = XYZ
x_indices = np.where(xyz == 0)[0]
newX = [X[entry] for entry, ind in enumerate(x_indices) if ind not in zero_components]
y_indices = np.where(xyz == 1)[0]
newY = [Y[entry] for entry, ind in enumerate(y_indices) if ind not in zero_components]
z_indices = np.where(xyz == 2)[0]
newZ = [Z[entry] for entry, ind in enumerate(z_indices) if ind not in zero_components]
nonzero_XYZ = (newX, newY, newZ)
nonzero_array = np.delete(array, zero_components, axis=0)
nonzero_xyz = np.delete(xyz, zero_components, axis=0)
if type_array is not None:
nonzero_type_array = np.delete(type_array, zero_components, axis=0)
nonzero_type_array = None
return array, xyz, XYZ, type_array, nonzero_array, nonzero_xyz, nonzero_XYZ, nonzero_type_array
return array, xyz, XYZ, type_array
def _get_array_hash(self, array, xyz, XYZ):
"""Helper function to get hash of array.
For a CI test X _|_ Y | Z the order of variables within X or Y or Z
does not matter and also the order X and Y can be swapped.
Hence, to compare hashes of the whole array, we order accordingly
to create a unique, order-independent hash.
array : Data array of shape (dim, T)
Data array.
xyz : array
Identifier array of shape (dim,) identifying which row in array
corresponds to X, Y, and Z
XYZ : list of tuples
combined_hash : str
Hash that identifies uniquely an array of XYZ
X, Y, Z = XYZ
# First check whether CI result was already computed
# by checking whether hash of (xyz, array) already exists
# Individually sort X, Y, Z since for a CI test it does not matter
# how they are aranged
x_orderd = sorted(range(len(X)), key=X.__getitem__)
arr_x = array[xyz==0][x_orderd]
x_hash = sha1(np.ascontiguousarray(arr_x)).hexdigest()
y_orderd = sorted(range(len(Y)), key=Y.__getitem__)
arr_y = array[xyz==1][y_orderd]
y_hash = sha1(np.ascontiguousarray(arr_y)).hexdigest()
z_orderd = sorted(range(len(Z)), key=Z.__getitem__)
arr_z = array[xyz==2][z_orderd]
z_hash = sha1(np.ascontiguousarray(arr_z)).hexdigest()
sorted_xy = sorted([x_hash, y_hash])
combined_hash = (sorted_xy[0], sorted_xy[1], z_hash)
return combined_hash
[docs] def run_test(self, X, Y, Z=None, tau_max=0, cut_off='2xtau_max', alpha_or_thres=None):
"""Perform conditional independence test.
Calls the dependence measure and significance test functions. The child
classes must specify a function get_dependence_measure and either or
both functions get_analytic_significance and get_shuffle_significance.
If recycle_residuals is True, also _get_single_residuals must be
X, Y, Z : list of tuples
X,Y,Z are of the form [(var, -tau)], where var specifies the
variable index and tau the time lag.
tau_max : int, optional (default: 0)
Maximum time lag. This may be used to make sure that estimates for
different lags in X, Z, all have the same sample size.
cut_off : {'2xtau_max', 'max_lag', 'max_lag_or_tau_max'}
How many samples to cutoff at the beginning. The default is
'2xtau_max', which guarantees that MCI tests are all conducted on
the same samples. For modeling, 'max_lag_or_tau_max' can be used,
which uses the maximum of tau_max and the conditions, which is
useful to compare multiple models on the same sample. Last,
'max_lag' uses as much samples as possible.
alpha_or_thres : float (optional)
Significance level (if significance='analytic' or 'shuffle_test') or
threshold (if significance='fixed_thres'). If given, run_test returns
the test decision dependent=True/False.
val, pval, [dependent] : Tuple of floats and bool
The test statistic value and the p-value. If alpha_or_thres is
given, run_test also returns the test decision dependent=True/False.
if self.significance == 'fixed_thres' and alpha_or_thres is None:
raise ValueError("significance == 'fixed_thres' requires setting alpha_or_thres")
# Get the array to test on
(array, xyz, XYZ, data_type,
nonzero_array, nonzero_xyz, nonzero_XYZ, nonzero_data_type) = self._get_array(
X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, tau_max=tau_max, cut_off=cut_off,
remove_constant_data=True, verbosity=self.verbosity)
X, Y, Z = XYZ
nonzero_X, nonzero_Y, nonzero_Z = nonzero_XYZ
# Record the dimensions
# dim, T = array.shape
# Ensure it is a valid array
if np.any(np.isnan(array)):
raise ValueError("nans in the array!")
combined_hash = self._get_array_hash(array, xyz, XYZ)
# Get test statistic value and p-value [cached if possible]
if combined_hash in self.cached_ci_results.keys():
cached = True
val, pval = self.cached_ci_results[combined_hash]
cached = False
# If all X or all Y are zero, then return pval=1, val=0, dependent=False
if len(nonzero_X) == 0 or len(nonzero_Y) == 0:
val = 0.
pval = None if self.significance == 'fixed_thres' else 1.
# Get the dependence measure, reycling residuals if need be
val = self._get_dependence_measure_recycle(nonzero_X, nonzero_Y, nonzero_Z,
nonzero_xyz, nonzero_array, nonzero_data_type)
# Get the p-value (None if significance = 'fixed_thres')
dim, T = nonzero_array.shape
pval = self._get_p_value(val=val, array=nonzero_array, xyz=nonzero_xyz, T=T, dim=dim)
self.cached_ci_results[combined_hash] = (val, pval)
# Make test decision
if len(nonzero_X) == 0 or len(nonzero_Y) == 0:
dependent = False
if self.significance == 'fixed_thres':
if self.two_sided:
dependent = np.abs(val) >= np.abs(alpha_or_thres)
dependent = val >= alpha_or_thres
pval = 0. if dependent else 1.
if alpha_or_thres is None:
dependent = None
dependent = pval <= alpha_or_thres
self.ci_results[(tuple(X), tuple(Y),tuple(Z))] = (val, pval, dependent)
# Return the calculated value(s)
if self.verbosity > 1:
self._print_cond_ind_results(val=val, pval=pval, cached=cached, dependent=dependent,
if alpha_or_thres is None:
return val, pval
return val, pval, dependent
[docs] def run_test_raw(self, x, y, z=None, x_type=None, y_type=None, z_type=None, alpha_or_thres=None):
"""Perform conditional independence test directly on input arrays x, y, z.
Calls the dependence measure and signficicance test functions. The child
classes must specify a function get_dependence_measure and either or
both functions get_analytic_significance and get_shuffle_significance.
x, y, z : arrays
x,y,z are of the form (samples, dimension).
x_type, y_type, z_type : array-like
data arrays of same shape as x, y and z respectively, which describes whether variables
are continuous or discrete: 0s for continuous variables and
1s for discrete variables
alpha_or_thres : float (optional)
Significance level (if significance='analytic' or 'shuffle_test') or
threshold (if significance='fixed_thres'). If given, run_test returns
the test decision dependent=True/False.
val, pval, [dependent] : Tuple of floats and bool
The test statistic value and the p-value. If alpha_or_thres is
given, run_test also returns the test decision dependent=True/False.
if np.ndim(x) != 2 or np.ndim(y) != 2:
raise ValueError("x,y must be arrays of shape (samples, dimension)"
" where dimension can be 1.")
if z is not None and np.ndim(z) != 2:
raise ValueError("z must be array of shape (samples, dimension)"
" where dimension can be 1.")
if x_type is not None or y_type is not None or z_type is not None:
has_data_type = True
has_data_type = False
if x_type is None and has_data_type:
x_type = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype='int')
if y_type is None and has_data_type:
y_type = np.zeros(y.shape, dtype='int')
if z is None:
# Get the array to test on
array = np.vstack((x.T, y.T))
if has_data_type:
data_type = np.vstack((x_type.T, y_type.T))
# xyz is the dimension indicator
xyz = np.array([0 for i in range(x.shape[1])] +
[1 for i in range(y.shape[1])])
# Get the array to test on
array = np.vstack((x.T, y.T, z.T))
if z_type is None and has_data_type:
z_type = np.zeros(z.shape, dtype='int')
if has_data_type:
data_type = np.vstack((x_type.T, y_type.T, z_type.T))
# xyz is the dimension indicator
xyz = np.array([0 for i in range(x.shape[1])] +
[1 for i in range(y.shape[1])] +
[2 for i in range(z.shape[1])])
if self.significance == 'fixed_thres' and alpha_or_thres is None:
raise ValueError("significance == 'fixed_thres' requires setting alpha_or_thres")
# Record the dimensions
dim, T = array.shape
# Ensure it is a valid array
if np.isnan(array).sum() != 0:
raise ValueError("nans in the array!")
# Get the dependence measure
if has_data_type:
val = self.get_dependence_measure(array, xyz, data_type=data_type)
val = self.get_dependence_measure(array, xyz)
# Get the p-value (returns None if significance='fixed_thres')
if has_data_type:
pval = self._get_p_value(val=val, array=array, xyz=xyz,
T=T, dim=dim, data_type=data_type)
pval = self._get_p_value(val=val, array=array, xyz=xyz,
T=T, dim=dim)
# Make test decision
if self.significance == 'fixed_thres':
if self.two_sided:
dependent = np.abs(val) >= np.abs(alpha_or_thres)
dependent = val >= alpha_or_thres
pval = 0. if dependent else 1.
if alpha_or_thres is None:
dependent = None
dependent = pval <= alpha_or_thres
# Return the value and the pvalue
if alpha_or_thres is None:
return val, pval
return val, pval, dependent
def _get_dependence_measure_recycle(self, X, Y, Z, xyz, array, data_type=None):
"""Get the dependence_measure, optionally recycling residuals
If self.recycle_residuals is True, also _get_single_residuals must be
X, Y, Z : list of tuples
X,Y,Z are of the form [(var, -tau)], where var specifies the
variable index and tau the time lag.
xyz : array of ints
XYZ identifier array of shape (dim,).
array : array
Data array of shape (dim, T)
data_type : array-like
Binary data array of same shape as array which describes whether
individual samples in a variable (or all samples) are continuous
or discrete: 0s for continuous variables and 1s for discrete variables.
val : float
Test statistic
# Check if we are recycling residuals
if self.recycle_residuals:
# Get or calculate the cached residuals
x_resid = self._get_cached_residuals(X, Z, array, 0)
y_resid = self._get_cached_residuals(Y, Z, array, 1)
# Make a new residual array
array_resid = np.array([x_resid, y_resid])
xyz_resid = np.array([0, 1])
# Return the dependence measure
# data type can only be continuous in this case
return self.get_dependence_measure(array_resid, xyz_resid)
# If not, return the dependence measure on the array and xyz
if data_type is not None:
return self.get_dependence_measure(array, xyz,
return self.get_dependence_measure(array, xyz)
def _get_cached_residuals(self, x_nodes, z_nodes, array, target_var):
Retrieve or calculate the cached residuals for the given node sets.
x_nodes : list of tuples
List of nodes, X or Y normally. Used to key the residual cache
during lookup
z_nodes : list of tuples
List of nodes, Z normally
target_var : int
Key to differentiate X from Y.
x_nodes == X => 0, x_nodes == Y => 1
array : array
Data array of shape (dim, T)
x_resid : array
Residuals calculated by _get_single_residual
# Check if we have calculated these residuals
if self._keyfy(x_nodes, z_nodes) in list(self.residuals):
x_resid = self.residuals[self._keyfy(x_nodes, z_nodes)]
# If not, calculate the residuals
x_resid = self._get_single_residuals(array, target_var=target_var)
if z_nodes:
self.residuals[self._keyfy(x_nodes, z_nodes)] = x_resid
# Return these residuals
return x_resid
def _get_p_value(self, val, array, xyz, T, dim,
Returns the p-value from whichever significance function is specified
for this test. If an override is used, then it will call a different
function then specified by self.significance
val : float
Test statistic value.
array : array-like
data array with X, Y, Z in rows and observations in columns
xyz : array of ints
XYZ identifier array of shape (dim,).
T : int
Sample length
dim : int
Dimensionality, ie, number of features.
data_type : array-like
Binary data array of same shape as array which describes whether
individual samples in a variable (or all samples) are continuous
or discrete: 0s for continuous variables and 1s for discrete variables.
sig_override : string
Must be in 'analytic', 'shuffle_test', 'fixed_thres'
pval : float or numpy.nan
# Defaults to the self.significance member value
use_sig = self.significance
if sig_override is not None:
use_sig = sig_override
# Check if we are using the analytic significance
if use_sig == 'analytic':
pval = self.get_analytic_significance(value=val, T=T, dim=dim, xyz=xyz)
# Check if we are using the shuffle significance
elif use_sig == 'shuffle_test':
pval = self.get_shuffle_significance(array=array,
# Check if we are using the fixed_thres significance
elif use_sig == 'fixed_thres':
# Determined outside then
pval = None
# if self.two_sided:
# dependent = np.abs(val) >= np.abs(alpha_or_thres)
# else:
# dependent = val >= alpha_or_thres
# pval = 0. if dependent else 1.
# # pval = self.get_fixed_thres_significance(
# # value=val,
# # fixed_thres=self.fixed_thres)
raise ValueError("%s not known." % self.significance)
# # Return the calculated value(s)
# if alpha_or_thres is not None:
# if use_sig != 'fixed_thres':
# dependent = pval <= alpha_or_thres
# return pval, dependent
# else:
return pval
[docs] def get_measure(self, X, Y, Z=None, tau_max=0,
"""Estimate dependence measure.
Calls the dependence measure function. The child classes must specify
a function get_dependence_measure.
X, Y [, Z] : list of tuples
X,Y,Z are of the form [(var, -tau)], where var specifies the
variable index and tau the time lag.
tau_max : int, optional (default: 0)
Maximum time lag. This may be used to make sure that estimates for
different lags in X, Z, all have the same sample size.
data_type : array-like
Binary data array of same shape as array which describes whether
individual samples in a variable (or all samples) are continuous
or discrete: 0s for continuous variables and 1s for discrete variables.
val : float
The test statistic value.
# Make the array
array, xyz, (X, Y, Z), _ = self._get_array(X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, tau_max=tau_max,
D, T = array.shape
# Check it is valid
if np.isnan(array).sum() != 0:
raise ValueError("nans in the array!")
# Return the dependence measure
return self._get_dependence_measure_recycle(X, Y, Z, xyz, array)
[docs] def get_confidence(self, X, Y, Z=None, tau_max=0,
"""Perform confidence interval estimation.
Calls the dependence measure and confidence test functions. The child
classes can specify a function get_dependence_measure and
get_analytic_confidence or get_bootstrap_confidence. If confidence is
False, (numpy.nan, numpy.nan) is returned.
X, Y, Z : list of tuples
X,Y,Z are of the form [(var, -tau)], where var specifies the
variable index and tau the time lag.
tau_max : int, optional (default: 0)
Maximum time lag. This may be used to make sure that estimates for
different lags in X, Z, all have the same sample size.
data_type : array-like
Binary data array of same shape as array which describes whether
individual samples in a variable (or all samples) are continuous
or discrete: 0s for continuous variables and 1s for discrete variables.
(conf_lower, conf_upper) : Tuple of floats
Upper and lower confidence bound of confidence interval.
# Check if a confidence type has been defined
if self.confidence:
# Ensure the confidence level given makes sense
if self.conf_lev < .5 or self.conf_lev >= 1.:
raise ValueError("conf_lev = %.2f, " % self.conf_lev +
"but must be between 0.5 and 1")
half_conf = self.conf_samples * (1. - self.conf_lev)/2.
if self.confidence == 'bootstrap' and half_conf < 1.:
raise ValueError("conf_samples*(1.-conf_lev)/2 is %.2f"
% half_conf + ", must be >> 1")
if self.confidence:
# Make and check the array
array, xyz, _, data_type = self._get_array(X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, tau_max=tau_max,
remove_constant_data=False, verbosity=0)
dim, T = array.shape
if np.isnan(array).sum() != 0:
raise ValueError("nans in the array!")
# Check if we are using analytic confidence or bootstrapping it
if self.confidence == 'analytic':
val = self.get_dependence_measure(array, xyz)
(conf_lower, conf_upper) = \
elif self.confidence == 'bootstrap':
# Overwrite analytic values
(conf_lower, conf_upper) = \
array, xyz,
conf_lev=self.conf_lev, verbosity=self.verbosity)
raise ValueError("%s confidence estimation not implemented"
% self.confidence)
return None
# Cache the confidence interval
self.conf = (conf_lower, conf_upper)
# Return the confidence interval
return (conf_lower, conf_upper)
def _print_cond_ind_results(self, val, pval=None, cached=None, dependent=None, conf=None):
"""Print results from conditional independence test.
val : float
Test stastistic value.
pval : float, optional (default: None)
dependent : bool
Test decision.
conf : tuple of floats, optional (default: None)
Confidence bounds.
printstr = " val = % .3f" % (val)
if pval is not None:
printstr += " | pval = %.5f" % (pval)
if dependent is not None:
printstr += " | dependent = %s" % (dependent)
if conf is not None:
printstr += " | conf bounds = (%.3f, %.3f)" % (
conf[0], conf[1])
if cached is not None:
printstr += " %s" % ({0:"", 1:"[cached]"}[cached])
[docs] def get_bootstrap_confidence(self, array, xyz, dependence_measure=None,
conf_samples=100, conf_blocklength=None,
"""Perform bootstrap confidence interval estimation.
With conf_blocklength > 1 or None a block-bootstrap is performed.
array : array-like
data array with X, Y, Z in rows and observations in columns
xyz : array of ints
XYZ identifier array of shape (dim,).
dependence_measure : function (default = self.get_dependence_measure)
Dependence measure function must be of form
dependence_measure(array, xyz) and return a numeric value
conf_lev : float, optional (default: 0.9)
Two-sided confidence interval.
conf_samples : int, optional (default: 100)
Number of samples for bootstrap.
conf_blocklength : int, optional (default: None)
Block length for block-bootstrap. If None, the block length is
determined from the decay of the autocovariance as explained in
data_type : array-like
Binary data array of same shape as array which describes whether
individual samples in a variable (or all samples) are continuous
or discrete: 0s for continuous variables and 1s for discrete variables.
verbosity : int, optional (default: 0)
Level of verbosity.
(conf_lower, conf_upper) : Tuple of floats
Upper and lower confidence bound of confidence interval.
# Check if a dependence measure if provided or if to use default
if not dependence_measure:
dependence_measure = self.get_dependence_measure
# confidence interval is two-sided
c_int = 1. - (1. - conf_lev)/2.
dim, T = array.shape
# If not block length is given, determine the optimal block length.
# This has a maximum of 10% of the time sample length
if conf_blocklength is None:
conf_blocklength = \
self._get_block_length(array, xyz, mode='confidence')
# Determine the number of blocks total, rounding up for non-integer
# amounts
n_blks = int(math.ceil(float(T)/conf_blocklength))
# Print some information
if verbosity > 2:
print(" block_bootstrap confidence intervals"
" with block-length = %d ..." % conf_blocklength)
# Generate the block bootstrapped distribution
bootdist = np.zeros(conf_samples)
for smpl in range(conf_samples):
# Get the starting indices for the blocks
blk_strt = self.random_state.integers(0, T - conf_blocklength + 1, n_blks)
# Get the empty array of block resampled values
array_bootstrap = \
np.zeros((dim, n_blks*conf_blocklength), dtype=array.dtype)
# Fill the array of block resamples
for i in range(conf_blocklength):
array_bootstrap[:, i::conf_blocklength] = array[:, blk_strt + i]
# Cut to proper length
array_bootstrap = array_bootstrap[:, :T]
bootdist[smpl] = dependence_measure(array_bootstrap, xyz)
# Sort and get quantile
conf_lower = bootdist[int((1. - c_int) * conf_samples)]
conf_upper = bootdist[int(c_int * conf_samples)]
# Return the confidance limits as a tuple
return (conf_lower, conf_upper)
def _get_acf(self, series, max_lag=None):
"""Returns autocorrelation function.
series : 1D-array
data series to compute autocorrelation from
max_lag : int, optional (default: None)
maximum lag for autocorrelation function. If None is passed, 10% of
the data series length are used.
autocorr : array of shape (max_lag + 1,)
Autocorrelation function.
# Set the default max lag
if max_lag is None:
max_lag = int(max(5, 0.1*len(series)))
# Initialize the result
autocorr = np.ones(max_lag + 1)
# Iterate over possible lags
for lag in range(1, max_lag + 1):
# Set the values
y1_vals = series[lag:]
y2_vals = series[:len(series) - lag]
# Calculate the autocorrelation
autocorr[lag] = np.corrcoef(y1_vals, y2_vals, ddof=0)[0, 1]
return autocorr
def _get_block_length(self, array, xyz, mode):
"""Returns optimal block length for significance and confidence tests.
Determine block length using approach in Mader (2013) [Eq. (6)] which
improves the method of Peifer (2005) with non-overlapping blocks In
case of multidimensional X, the max is used. Further details in [1]_.
Two modes are available. For mode='significance', only the indices
corresponding to X are shuffled in array. For mode='confidence' all
variables are jointly shuffled. If the autocorrelation curve fit fails,
a block length of 5% of T is used. The block length is limited to a
maximum of 10% of T.
Mader et al., Journal of Neuroscience Methods,
Volume 219, Issue 2, 15 October 2013, Pages 285-291
array : array-like
data array with X, Y, Z in rows and observations in columns
xyz : array of ints
XYZ identifier array of shape (dim,).
mode : str
Which mode to use.
block_len : int
Optimal block length.
# Inject a dependency on siganal, optimize
from scipy import signal, optimize
# Get the shape of the array
dim, T = array.shape
# Initiailize the indices
indices = range(dim)
if mode == 'significance':
indices = np.where(xyz == 0)[0]
# Maximum lag for autocov estimation
max_lag = int(0.1*T)
# Define the function to optimize against
def func(x_vals, a_const, decay):
return a_const * decay**x_vals
# Calculate the block length
block_len = 1
for i in indices:
# Get decay rate of envelope of autocorrelation functions
# via hilbert trafo
autocov = self._get_acf(series=array[i], max_lag=max_lag)
autocov[0] = 1.
hilbert = np.abs(signal.hilbert(autocov))
# Try to fit the curve
popt, _ = optimize.curve_fit(
xdata=np.arange(0, max_lag+1),
phi = popt[1]
# Formula assuming non-overlapping blocks
l_opt = (4. * T * (phi / (1. - phi) + phi**2 / (1. - phi)**2)**2
/ (1. + 2. * phi / (1. - phi))**2)**(1. / 3.)
block_len = max(block_len, int(l_opt))
except RuntimeError:
print("Error - curve_fit failed in block_shuffle, using"
" block_len = %d" % (int(.05 * T)))
# block_len = max(int(.05 * T), block_len)
# Limit block length to a maximum of 10% of T
block_len = min(block_len, int(0.1 * T))
return block_len
def _get_shuffle_dist(self, array, xyz, dependence_measure,
sig_samples, sig_blocklength=None,
"""Returns shuffle distribution of test statistic.
The rows in array corresponding to the X-variable are shuffled using
a block-shuffle approach.
array : array-like
data array with X, Y, Z in rows and observations in columns
xyz : array of ints
XYZ identifier array of shape (dim,).
dependence_measure : object
Dependence measure function must be of form
dependence_measure(array, xyz) and return a numeric value
sig_samples : int, optional (default: 100)
Number of samples for shuffle significance test.
sig_blocklength : int, optional (default: None)
Block length for block-shuffle significance test. If None, the
block length is determined from the decay of the autocovariance as
explained in [1]_.
verbosity : int, optional (default: 0)
Level of verbosity.
null_dist : array of shape (sig_samples,)
Contains the sorted test statistic values estimated from the
shuffled arrays.
dim, T = array.shape
x_indices = np.where(xyz == 0)[0]
dim_x = len(x_indices)
if sig_blocklength is None:
sig_blocklength = self._get_block_length(array, xyz,
n_blks = int(math.floor(float(T)/sig_blocklength))
# print 'n_blks ', n_blks
if verbosity > 2:
print(" Significance test with block-length = %d "
"..." % (sig_blocklength))
array_shuffled = np.copy(array)
block_starts = np.arange(0, T - sig_blocklength + 1, sig_blocklength)
# Dividing the array up into n_blks of length sig_blocklength may
# leave a tail. This tail is later randomly inserted
tail = array[x_indices, n_blks*sig_blocklength:]
null_dist = np.zeros(sig_samples)
for sam in range(sig_samples):
blk_starts = self.random_state.permutation(block_starts)[:n_blks]
x_shuffled = np.zeros((dim_x, n_blks*sig_blocklength),
for i, index in enumerate(x_indices):
for blk in range(sig_blocklength):
x_shuffled[i, blk::sig_blocklength] = \
array[index, blk_starts + blk]
# Insert tail randomly somewhere
if tail.shape[1] > 0:
insert_tail_at = self.random_state.choice(block_starts)
x_shuffled = np.insert(x_shuffled, insert_tail_at,
tail.T, axis=1)
for i, index in enumerate(x_indices):
array_shuffled[index] = x_shuffled[i]
null_dist[sam] = dependence_measure(array=array_shuffled,
return null_dist
[docs] def get_fixed_thres_significance(self, value, fixed_thres):
"""DEPRECATED Returns signficance for thresholding test.
raise ValueError("fixed_thres is replaced by alpha_or_thres in run_test.")
# if np.abs(value) < np.abs(fixed_thres):
# pval = 1.
# else:
# pval = 0.
# return pval
def _trafo2uniform(self, x):
"""Transforms input array to uniform marginals.
Assumes x.shape = (dim, T)
x : array-like
Input array.
u : array-like
array with uniform marginals.
def trafo(xi):
xisorted = np.sort(xi)
yi = np.linspace(1. / len(xi), 1, len(xi))
return np.interp(xi, xisorted, yi)
if np.ndim(x) == 1:
u = trafo(x)
u = np.empty(x.shape)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
u[i] = trafo(x[i])
return u